I’m Rebellious Like…

I was going to make a joke about how I'm the second one from the left, but that would be untoward. But I'm not the first one. Just ask around.

I’ve never been much of a rebel.

Never shoplifted as a teenager. Didn’t get drunk and vomit all over my parents while they were sleeping. Wasn’t courageous enough to light up a square in the high school bathroom.

Ooh, just remembered. Once as a freshman nature during my civics class. I was having stomach problems and needed to do very bad things. Excused to the bathroom I commenced to do what I do when I do how I do. Also, I’d like to mention that the sick screwballs at my private, Catholic high school didn’t bother to put doors on the stalls. There’s no way that would be allowed today what will all that religion’s shenanigans. READ MORE

Replay of Webinar – Finding Blog Content in Daily Life

A few days ago I hosted a webinar about how to find blog content in daily life. Over two hundred people attended and I presented for close to ninety minutes. This is everything I’ve learned about how to continue to creative process when blogging. If you’d like to watch the webinar simply click below. READ MORE

The Low After the High (and all that cliche crap)

The is a valley - get it? Because I'm in an emotional valley you bastards!

Last night I participated in a webinar where I taught somewhere between one hundred and two hundred people about my creative process for posting every day.

It’s funny because a few years back I wasn’t even writing at all. I don’t consider myself a “good” writer. I’m skilled at coming up with daily ideas. The webinar was exactly this topic – how to come up with blog posts in daily life. I prepared quite a bit and over 215 people signed up for the event. I couldn’t believe more than ten would. I’m not that popular, for chrissakes. READ MORE

I Reunited With Teen Pop Star Kiana Brown

I’ve always been a fan of girl empowerment songs.

Earlier last summer I interviewed young up and coming pop star Kiana Brown. She was fresh off winning the KidzBop competition which is basically the online version of American Idol. It’s a big deal. READ MORE

I’m Hosting a Writing Webinar Tomorrow Night

Tomorrow night at 6pm CST I’ll be hosting a webinar for the Ultimate Blog Challenge, the catalyst that got me to start writing every day.

Since I’m preparing all night tonight, I’m going to end this post in a few.  If interested click on the link below to get more information. READ MORE

My First Date in Over a Year

I'm not anywhere as nervous as that broad. She looks NERVOUS. And a little nutty.

Tonight I’m going out on my first date in over a year.

Over Thanksgiving my girlfriend and I separated. We tried to make it work but it became obvious that it just wasn’t going to happen. This is a difficult thing, as is all breakups where the two people are in love. The major factor in this case was distance, I’m in Chicago and she’s in the south. She recently earned an insanely good job which basically prohibited her from moving up here. I’d rather live in Chicago and wasn’t quite willing to make the plunge to pack up my things and move. We had other issues as well, but that was the biggest one. Instead of continuing not to be able to give each other what we deserved, we’re moving on. READ MORE

I Bought Good & Plentys Without Shame

So proud.

Okay, I just figured something out. When I cut some calories to try to lose a few pounds and also hit the gym every day, I just wind up exhausted. The funny drains out of my pores around mile three on the treadmill.

I’m at that stage of a new exercise and nutrition cycle where the food deficit plus the hard running is almost to difficult to maintain in my body or mind. But it’s time. Even though I biked my ass off this year I ate whatever the hell I wanted. I haven’t moved much since the cold set in. So now I’m in the process of breaking sine bad habits. READ MORE