To Be Sponsored or NOT to Be Sponsored?

I used to be wholly against the idea of sponsored posts.

When I was number one on Google for terms like “best blog” and “funny blogs” I was approached a lot by companies who wanted to sponsor my posts. Most were firms of ill repute and were  peddling dildos and other items of adult nature. But still, it was an offer of free money. The problem is that they all required me to do something ridiculous like put a link to their product in the ad, or write about a topic which featured their items, etc. Stuff that I don’t approve of. I have integrity, yo! READ MORE

Are Relationships All We Have?

I can never remember why he's being tortured. And he looks too much like Robb Stark!

One of my friends, named Hungry Joe, died about a year ago.

He was one of the most brilliant (maybe the) men I have ever met. I spent a considerable amount of time with him toward the end of his life. He was afflicted, most likely, with Aspergers. He had a difficult time communicating except through metaphor. For years (and I mean over a dozen), he slept on rooftops in Chicago without a real home. When my ex-wife asked him why he did that Joe said he was inspired by a character in a Dickens novel who did the same. Plus, he was broke. READ MORE

Back to the Bike and Bruised Fanny

I encourage you to continue to play in traffic. This shall end well.

Well, I’ve hardly moved in the past six months. Now it’s re-started.

I’m back on the bike-to-work routine. I put my suit and lunch in a pannier bag that is attached to my bicycle, and then strap my dog to my back. We jump on the lakefront trail and pedal ten miles to work. It’s not an easy commute. Beautiful, but not easy. READ MORE

oSex With Karen and D.J. – Episode Two

The second episode of oSex with Karen and D.J. is live! oSex is a videocast where we Karen and I answer your relationship and sex questions. The “O” stands for “opposite”! Get it? There’s two of us, right? And one of us is a lady? (it’s not me) READ MORE

I Wrote What YOU Told Me – Part VII

Oh, they did it behind the neck! Now I'm not as impressed. Yawn...

Once in awhile I’m at a loss of what to write. So, I ping you lords and lasses. Here are a few that I cherry picked because I had nothing to say about each one. It’s called a challenge, you jerks!

  • I need to learn how to relax. Any suggestions? @verityXR28

Well, aside from drugs, alcohol, and transcendental meditation, you could try juxtaposition. Do something so devastating the body will punish you with relaxation. Be one of those assholes that runs a marathon barefoot. Eat sixty ounces of steak for breakfast. Calculate how much college will cost for your newborn. These will all cause the body to shut down and you’ll get that rest you need. READ MORE

I Wear the Same Shirt on Every First Date

Yes, I know - time to take it to the dry cleaner. It's earned it.

I miss writing.

For the past month I’ve taken time off and haven’t made the blog a priority. It’s a bummer because I miss my regular commenters. I also miss sharing my daily life. Quite frankly, outside of doing a lot of dating, not a whole lot has happened to mention. But not much happened last year and I still managed to write every day without a miss. READ MORE

I Used to Be Number One on Google for “Funny Blogs”

I saw the bonus episode where he made the husband and wife an "adult love dungeon" as his secret project. It had the swing and everything.

Now I’m just #1 on Google for “dick stories.”

My blog certainly isn’t the most hilarious on the web (well, nobody tells a story about seeing my dad’s penis like me), but it’s decently funny. Sure I use too many adverbs, but, you know what? I goddamn well like adverbs. It’s me and since I don’t know how to write with better grammatical sense, I let it slide. A big-deal professor recently told me I write well. So there, inner critic D.J.! READ MORE

oSex With Karen and D.J. – Episode One

The first episode of oSex with Karen and D.J. is live! oSex is a videocast where we Karen and I answer your relationship and sex questions. The “O” stands for “opposite”! Get it? There’s two of us, right? And one of us is a lady? (it’s not me) READ MORE