New Tagline Live! – Feedback Requested

Okay, first thank you to everyone that suggested new taglines.

As you can see above I chose the one that I used on my sidebar “About D.J.”  Which is now different.

If you don’t see it, do this nifty trick on your computer.  Hold down Ctrl and hit F5. READ MORE

Help Me Figure Out A Tagline!

I will remember this tagline about, um, taglines!

Now that I’m ranking really high on Google for terms like “best blog” and “funny blog”, my traffic is exploding.  I need to come up with a good tagline underneath the main title image of “ThoughtsFromParis.”


I Want To Send YOU A Holiday Card!

In my last post I talked about how I send out a lot more holiday cards than I receive.

And, last night, as I sat having a conversation with the wall, I wondered aloud if I there was anything I could do for all the people like me.

But then I thought, “And is there also a way I can exploit these people to my benefit?” READ MORE

My Holiday Card Giving / Receiving Ratio Sucks!

Valium would not this family

I’m not sure you can relate to this, but each year I send out about forty holiday cards, and at best, receive ten back.

Do I have crappy friends?   Possibly.

Or maybe I just send cards out to people that don’t send out cards.

Either way, I don’t get angry about it.  But I do get sad. READ MORE

I Owe TheBloggess An O’Doul’s

I was supposed to watch TheBloggess speak at an event in LA a month ago.

Jenny was to be a featured keynote at a convention I was attending, and I was pretty excited.   I emailed her and told her I would wait until after her session and give her a solid open-mouth kiss.   Also, take a photo. READ MORE

I Did Something F***ing Crazy Over Thanksgiving – Part II

You know you still have one.

In the last installment, I talked about the idea of a “Dates With Readers” feature where I would go out with a few women who regularly read my blog.

Read Part I Here – and then come back, because, well, you’ll totally want to!

I was telling my father about Jessica, the woman in the previous  story with whom (Or is it “with whom”?  Or “to whom”?  To which?  Damn my feeble attempt at grammar! I just learned the commas rules recently. I still promptly ignore them. But I learned it!). I was really starting to connect. READ MORE