Help Me Figure Out A Tagline!

I will remember this tagline about, um, taglines!

Now that I’m ranking really high on Google for terms like “best blog” and “funny blog”, my traffic is exploding.  I need to come up with a good tagline underneath the main title image of “ThoughtsFromParis.”


Because I think people don’t know what the hell to think when they visit my site for the first time.

  • Am I from Paris, France?
  • Is this about a trip I took to France?

And let’s be honest, nobody cares about anything from France.  I mean, I get a few French visitors every week, but I don’t need any more smelly folks hanging around.

I don’t necessarily need a tagline that clarifies, “I’m not actually from France” or that my last name is Paris (it is), but I want people to know that this is a blog about humor, vulnerability, and honesty.  You know, girl stuff.

It needs to be short, and something that can fit under my title. The Bloggess has a great tagline. “Like Mother Teresa Only Better.”  Noa Gavin has “I’m Funnier Than Your Grandma.”  Both awesome.

So, what do you think, readers?  Write your suggestion below in the comments.  If you don’t help me, I’m going to have to figure it out myself.  And that just plain sucks.

I will remember this tagline about, um, taglines!

26 thoughts on “Help Me Figure Out A Tagline!”

  1. thebleupills says:

    This livefyre thing is a pain in my ass.
    “because I’m recommended by moms”
    “because I don’t wear PullIUps and know how to use the potty like a big boy.”
    “fortified with 3 vitamins and minerals”
    That’s all I have for now. Outtie.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      @thebleupills I was thinking of “Laughs. Truth. Farts.” Too immature?

  2. BellyBillboard says:

    How about:

    “I Like Pie”

    “Can you smell what this blog is cookin’?”

    “Don’t squeeze the Delfin” (a little charmin tp humor there)

    “The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!”

    “Humor. Insight. Stories about my Dad’s Wang”

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      @BellyBillboard That last one is currently the front-runner. Well done. By the by, we need to do a joint contest soon. Maybe next week?

      1. BellyBillboard says:

        @delfinparis Sho’ nuff. I’m always around.

        BTW, if you don’t use that last tag line, I’ll have to set up a web site called DadsWang and use it myself.

  3. nulsenjb says:

    I think you already have it: “I think I’m funny. Just ask me.”


    “Funny is my middle name. No wait, it’s Joaquin. Still funny, though.”

    “I drop the ‘log’ in ‘blog.'”

    “You can’t spell ‘tagline’ without ‘vagina.’ Or at least most of those letters.”

    “One way or another, you’re gonna cry.”

    “The oblong, fruit-flavored chewy candy that is kosher and gluten-free!” (In honor of your infamous Mike-n-Ike letter, which, by the way, would be awesome if you could find and post.)

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      @nulsenjb Jimmy, all GREAT suggestions. You know, I lost the Mike and Ike letter, sadly. It’s in the ether, or whenever sophomoric humor goes to die. However, for some reason I still have the response from the company, where they claim nobody ever contracted AIDS from eating the red ones. Hilarious.

    2. chickinabox says:

      @nulsenjb I second the “I think I’m funny. Just ask me.” or I actually like the “One way or another, you’re gonna cry.” but the first one is best. (sorry I lack creativity today, @delfinparis . I promise I’ll do better next time…)

      1. D.J. Paris says:

        @chickinabox@nulsenjb I’m just glad you’re in Afghanistan and I’m not. Not Jimmy. Jimmy’s in Cincinnati. Totally different place.

        1. chickinabox says:

          @delfinparis@nulsenjb Yeah, I’m glad I’m here too. It’s a party up in here… minus the booze, but including all of the fart jokes.

        2. BellyBillboard says:

          @delfinparis@chickinabox@nulsenjb I’d rather be in Afghanistan than Cincinnati any day.

  4. aczielke says:

    I will ponder. Probably post something ultra witty after The GM. Count on it.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      @aczielke What is The GM? Something lame (like you)?

      1. aczielke says:

        My, you’re mature! Haha…Green Mill. Get with it.

        1. D.J. Paris says:

          @aczielke Right – when are we going? Tonight?

        2. aczielke says:

          @delfinparis You wanna go tonight? I could do tonight.

  5. BillBlundell says:

    How about, ThoughtsFromParis-I really don’t care what you think.

    ThoughtsFromParis-Exactly The Way It Is

    ThoughtsFromParis-No, I am not from Texas.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      @BillBlundell Thanks, Bill. The sad thing is that I TOTALLY care what you think. It’s why I have a blog and put crap out there. I like to pretend I don’t care, but, I am a slave to attention. But not a slave like what happened a few hundred years ago in the south. Not like that at ALL.

  6. Jon says:

    Thoughts from Paris

    — a really funny blog

    (I know you might prefer, “— a blog so funny, you’ll laugh till you poop in your pants”, but I’d go with the first one.

  7. atvelasquez3 says:

    I think your blog is great by the way…I used to blog a couple years ago when my life became chaotic…as things got better I slowed down the blogging all the way to stopping. But your blog makes me want to again.

    So this is what I think of when I read your blog:

    Read me. It’s cool. You’ll leave happy.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      @atvelasquez3 Ha- thanks for the suggestion. I went with something simpler, but your idea was good! Keep reading, and get back to blogging!

      1. atvelasquez3 says:

        @delfinparis I’ve been reading..and I’m back to blogging!

  8. BellyBillboard says:

    So, “Humor, Insight and Stories about my dad’s wang” didn’t make the cut? I am dissapoint.

  9. ericamicheb says:

    @tfpHumorBlog I fell for it…I almost offered you a tagline…april fooled me

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      @ericamicheb Oh, ha, that wasn’t a joke, just an old post. I have a plugin that tweets out a random old post once a day.

      1. ericamicheb says:

        @tfpHumorBlog omg seriously? That’s a “thing”? Wow…now thinking of all the assumed spambots I blocked…

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