I Had My Handwriting Analyzed!

A few weeks ago I was replying to comments here on the blog and I noticed one of my readers did handwriting analysis professionally. Her name is Theresa and if you want to learn about yourself, I suggest you go visit her site and hire her. She’s great. READ MORE

My Poop Pants at 26 Story Read Live – Bloggers are Weird Podcast

Remember how I famously blew out my brains in a cab on the way from a bachelor party? No? Well, here’s your chance to enjoy this magic for the first time. Second-time-rounders, I suspect you’ll enjoy it even more.

  • Via  iTunes
  • Zune or Blackberry store (just search)
  • Via Android device – download your favorite podcast app and add the feed -> http://bloggersareweird.com/feed
  • Visit the official Bloggers are Weird website
  • Watch via YouTube below

Coming up next week – One of the funny ones, Noa Gavin. READ MORE

I Reunited With Teen Pop Star Kiana Brown

I’ve always been a fan of girl empowerment songs.

Earlier last summer I interviewed young up and coming pop star Kiana Brown. She was fresh off winning the KidzBop competition which is basically the online version of American Idol. It’s a big deal. READ MORE

I Picked a Hot Photo of Myself to Impress You – A Confession

A friend recently pleaded with me to change my photo here on the site.

He said it didn’t look like me and didn’t capture my silliness. Plus, he said it made me look like a bad man. He then went into detail about what kind of criminal I resembled. Without going into specifics let’s just say it wasn’t flattering. READ MORE

I Completely Screwed Up

C'mon - with a logo like that you know it's classy.

I really screwed up.

Today as I was attending my last session at BlogWorld I went to check my flight that was later that evening. Well, technically next morning – 12:30am. It was around two in the afternoon and I wanted to see if American had an earlier flight. I was kind of in a weird place. I had already checked out of my hotel and there was the closing keynote going on at 4pm. I really wanted to see it as it was a full television show production with a live band and Chris Hardwick. However, I knew that after the show I’d cab it to the airport and sit around for six hours before my flight. READ MORE

Mommy Wants Vodka – Becky Sherrick Harks – Bloggers are Weird Podcast

The newest episode of Bloggers are Weird is up on iTunes so go get it! The easiest way is to  click this link, then “view in iTunes.” Then click the “subscribe” button. Also, leave me a review, sucka! If you’re a Blackberry or Zune person it’s in your store as well. For Android users just search for the feed in your favorite podcast app. Lastly, for the truly lazy I’ve ported it over onto YouTube so you can check it out below. Enjoy. READ MORE