Today I Ate a Dead Man’s Lunch

Who walks by a Jimmy John's and goes, "Holy Jesus, that smell is heavenly!" It's not exactly the same olfactory workout you get when passing by a Mrs. Field's stand in the mall.

Okay, so I’m not sure how to write about this one.

I hired a guy about six months ago for a position. He was in his early sixties and one of the nicest people I had ever met. His past career had been in education and he was a dean at a university prior to working with us. He would come in every day and sit at his desk  working  to  build a business in real estate. READ MORE

ThoughtsFromParis Now Has Business Cards! (Just Like Your Dad!)

I decided that since I'm scheduled to attend BlogWorld in Los Angeles in November, I should get some business cards to hand out.

And even though business cards lost all practicality around 1997, it still seemed like the right thing to do.

We all know that nobody really likes it when you force a business card at someone unwarranted.   It's a douche move, plain and simple. READ MORE

I Get Drunk On Not-Eating

A girl took me to lunch today.

Actually, I paid, but it was her idea.

In my profession, which is managing Chicago real estate agents, I am constantly recruiting.

Many firms simply do a terrible job of supporting their realtors and leasing agents, and I am always reaching out asking if they would be interested to join our firm. READ MORE

Handerpants – An Review

Inspired By Your Dick, Built For Your Hands

Instead of trying to impress you with a nice build-up before the story, I'm just going to let the story impress you on its own.


My Review – As Seen On

Perfect If Your Coworkers Grafted a Dick On Your Hand!

As a genetic bio-engineer, I am working on architecting the growth of organs and appendages via biological induction grafting. For you dummies, that means I do things like grow human ears on mice. It's super cool. READ MORE