New Video Series Starting Tonight!

Announcing a brand new video-series with my friend Melany from!

We have some fun ideas planned – but, first we need your help before we shoot tonight…

Do you have a story of a friend that went crazy?

I know you do. I do. Hell, you might even be the person who went nuts! We want to hear it! Also, we’re going to discuss it on the air. READ MORE

Sadness is Flowing Through Me and I’m Totally Cool With It

...then she sent this immediately after. Good one, skank.

I was introduced to the idea of “mindfulness” around four years ago by my therapist.

Now it’s all the rage and there are books on how to be mindful in business, weight loss, parenting, and even extreme kiteboarding.

Basically it boils down to just paying goddamn attention to what’s going on inside. READ MORE

I’m Going to Have To Give Up The Cat

Taken this morning. I was naked at the time. Naked, people!

I recently came to terms that I’m going to have to give up my cat Pantaloons.

My girlfriend is allergic. She’s a good sport when she visits and takes a Benadryl which clears up her symptoms. But how long am I going to make her pop meds to be comfortable? READ MORE

Back from a Real Vacation and a Three Week Writing Vacation

These sons of bitches flew around my head while I was reading. It was terrifying.

It’s been three weeks since I wrote anything.

Well, this is not entirely true. I did post a story last week about how it was discovered that my girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend is now seriously dating a woman I used to see ten years prior.

You may have to read that twice. There isn’t an easier way to explain it. READ MORE

100k Twitter Followers and Caffeine Addiction

I crossed over 100k Twitter followers today.

Yes, it’s a not-so-subtle brag. But, screw it.  I’m taking a victory lap.

The victory lap equates to a night of eating pizza until passout.

Before the carbs and fat sink my consciousness I’m going to attempt to eek out this post. READ MORE

I Have a Big Brag to Announce About My Greatness

For no reason at all here is my cat and dog.

I’ve been busy over the past two days.

First I released a new version of my Apple and Android app which include push notifications. Yes, you now get a popup whenever I write something new. Does my narcissism know no bounds?

Also I launched a Twitter web app which pokes around through your followers to see if anyone famous follows you. It’s pointless and silly but so are a majority of the activities in which I participate. READ MORE


Celebrities. They’re just better than the rest of us.

Okay, well, maybe that’s not true. But most of us are starstruck, at least a little. I think we all  have someone who, if we met them in person, would render us speechless.

If we’re on Twitter the pinnacle of stardom is to become “verified.” That means you’re in the realm of celebrity. I’m not verified – life is unfair. READ MORE