My Sister and I Drove Past a House of Ill Repute

Do I get to play the video game during? That would be so boss.

My sister and I passed a whorehouse on the way to Peoria.

It’s called  Uncle Bernie’s Special House of Massage and we saw a huge billboard for it on the side of the highway.

Note –  I removed the actual name as to not give them any publicity or chance to send a nasty legal threat. READ MORE

Last Night I Married My Sister (And Got Rejected By Both Britney Spears and Paris Hilton)

Yes, Britney, we all know what you think of me.

Talking about dreams is boring for everyone but the dreamer.


Yes, I had a terrifying dream last night. I was in a tux backstage at a wedding. I don’t know what the secret area is named for a wedding even though I had my own once. But I am in a band and we do  occasionally  hang out backstage. Anyway, I was there, and I was nervous. Then panicked. Finally I was screaming and crying at the same time. READ MORE

Finally Starting That Thing – Let’s Get Fixed

Last Sunday a bunch of us committed to changing how controlling we are to people in our life.

Time to check in to see how badly you failed! Or succeeded. Whatever.

And we’re going to set a new goal – so if you’re new to the site, get ready to become more awesome. READ MORE

Belly Woman Bike Envy

Uh, now that I'm looking at it. Hmm. I'm having a hard time processing all of this. It's too much.

I’m at my parents’ house this weekend in Peoria. I enjoy being here and spending time – there is little responsibility and it’s a lot of good food and laughing.

Today we took my car in for tire rotation and oil change, went to the post office, drove to a Kohl’s because they had a dri-fit shirt half off, installed a huge rug pad in the home office, and sat out on the patio talking. READ MORE

I’m Going To Share My Shame With You Fools

My sister needs to take better care of her money. The mortgage lender gave me a hard time accepting these bills. Dicks.

My sister flew in from NYC and we drove down this evening from Chicago to Peoria. During the trip we talked about our therapists. I didn’t know she was in analysis (I wish people used that term) and we compared notes. Turns out we have one similar issue. READ MORE

I Overpack For My Trips Home Just Like You

It's like this Renaissance sculptor really gets me, man. He gets me.

I do this every time…

Packing for a weekend home with my parents I aim high. I bring jeans, two pairs of dress pants, several solid color t-shirts, two button-down shirts, a polo, and workout clothes.

I also pack a book, my HD webcam, and notepad.  Of course I pre-load the phone with audiobooks and podcasts so I won’t be bored during the drive. READ MORE

I Wish I Had Guests Every Friday

I'm reasonably confident that I'd marry this woman.

My sister is flying in tomorrow for business. She thought it might be hang out over the weekend, so she extended her flight, canceled her hotel, and is staying with me. I’ll see her tomorrow night after work and then my haircut. There’s a good chance she’ll get to the condo before me. READ MORE

My Knee Is Not Unique Anymore!

Are these all the teeth horses have? I feel like I should know this as I was married to a vet and we owned one.

I have to say that in some ways I’m not like you.

For example you most likely haven’t talked about conditioning your private hair with your father. Or confessed that during phone conversations with loved ones  you do inappropriate personal activity. Also, you probably don’t ride a bike to work with a dog in a backpack. Your first, middle, and last names probably aren’t as unusual as mine (plus I’m a “third”) for a pale while boy with blonde hair. READ MORE