I Just May Be a Narcissist

Speaking on narcissism I found this today in my parents' house. Had no idea it existed.

I was called a  narcissist  a few days ago by a reader.

I recently crossed over the five thousand mark in comments on they blog. I would say 99% are positive/funny responses to posts I’ve written. Once in awhile I invoke someone’s ire.

This particular reader yelled at me in a private email writing that I am a crazed narcissist and with all the hurt I cause my girlfriend I need to remember that I’m the lucky one to have her in my life. One of my comedy heroes, Marc Maron, has a response to a women whenever one starts passing judgement from the audience and interrupting his set. He’s a fantastic comic and talks openly about all his challenges. I try to do the same thing here. Anyway, his response is to look at the woman with compassion and then say, “I’m really sorry for what he did to you.” It’s one of the greatest power-move  dismissals ever. READ MORE

I Promise To Go Back and Reply To All Your Comments!

I'm going to do it - pinky swear.

I have a habit where I make a bunch of promises that, in the moment, seem perfectly doable.

Then a few days go by and I realize, “Ugh, I don’t want to do this at all.” In the past month alone I thought of writing an ebook unrelated to this blog, starting a site for male humor bloggers, and working on a podcast. The podcast thing is actually happening, and we’ll see how it goes. But, if after a few episodes it turns into a bust, oh well. READ MORE

I Think It’s Time To Write a Book

Nothing creepy about a fake baby in a wedding dress.

One of my goals for 2013 is to write a book.

This is something that brings up a lot of fear in my body. Over the past year I’ve had a few publishers reach out. Not publishers like Simon and Schuster or Random House. Smaller shops that probably just saw that I was number one for “best blogs” and figured I’d be a good revenue source. READ MORE

ThoughtsFromParis Now Has Business Cards! (Just Like Your Dad!)

I decided that since I'm scheduled to attend BlogWorld in Los Angeles in November, I should get some business cards to hand out.

And even though business cards lost all practicality around 1997, it still seemed like the right thing to do.

We all know that nobody really likes it when you force a business card at someone unwarranted.   It's a douche move, plain and simple. READ MORE

PervSearch – Things About Excrement

I’m sure you’re aware, but if not, there are a TON of degenerate scumbags who troll the internet.   And for some reason, many more that I would have imagined find my website.   This feature is inspired by the awful people who type even more awful things into Google and find my website.   I call it… READ MORE

How I Would Improve Keeping Up With The Kardashians

Recently I have become friends with a producer over at E!, one of the six channels I regularly watch.   I understand this is not something that will increase my masculinity cred, but screw it.   I do love The Soup, and anything Joan Rivers does is genius in my book. READ MORE

How I Would Improve Keeping Up With The Kardashians

Recently I have become friends with a producer over at E!, one of the six channels I regularly watch.   I understand this is not something that will increase my masculinity cred, but screw it.   I do love The Soup, and anything Joan Rivers does is genius in my book. READ MORE