Stuff That Just Entered My Mind Tonight


You about ready for cutest thing you’ve read all day?

My friend Suzanne and I (that I’ve known since the fifth grade) pick a movie on Friday nights and then both download it. She lives in Dallas, I’m in Chicago. We watch it and send texts to each other throughout the film. I will complete your next thought – yes, right after the movie I go and shave my vagina. READ MORE

I’m For Intolerance! No – Wait. Against. Yes, Against.

This post will not fall under the general hilarity that is my regular musing wit.

I am in a funk tonight. I had an exhausting (but good) day at work. Something incredibly shitty happened at the end that sent me off into a rage. As someone that has avoided his feelings most of his life I do not yet handle extremes well. Things like anger and sadness and fear hit me very hard. In the past I never learned how to sit or tolerate them. I learned that the best thing to do was to run from them. READ MORE

Cat Pee Tarp Purchased

I went out today to buy a cat-pee tarp.

My cat Pantaloons has a problem with inappropriate elimination. I’ve written about it on this blog at least a dozen times. Over the years I’ve tried a number of solutions including rubbing Prozac in her ears. Every so often, no matter what, she pees on my comforter or clothes left on the ground. After a lot of research online I’ve determined that this is probably just a brain glitch that can’t be corrected. If I’m wrong and one day I find a solution, awesome. READ MORE

I Got Interviewed! (About Some Old Crap)

I feel that I've never seen a cameraman without flip-flops, long hair, and a dirty t-shirt. They have the most lenient dress code in the professional world.

This morning I received an interview request from the Chicago Tribune.

Since I’m always in search of external validation I was excited that someone felt it was important to talk with me. About me.

If you’re not familiar with Chicago, the Tribune is our flagship newspaper and one of the ten biggest in the country. The have real reporters and probably an  ombudsman. They’re the real deal. I announced at work that they sent me a message to interview me. Just the other day an obscene t-shirt manufacturer reached out to me asking to help promote their clothing line. They said to pick any t-shirt I wanted for free. I also had practically yelled this at work. Nobody was impressed. READ MORE

How To Go From a Six to an Eight in Hotness

ugly to hot

I’m about to change your life.

Now, that’s a pretty bold claim.  You are right to doubt.  Many charlatans will separate you and your money with such proclamations!

I want nothing other than your attention.  Well, actually, down the road I will want your money when I write a book, or come out with a line of crappy t-shirts and sports bras. READ MORE