I Just Turned 37

I have never, nor will I, own a locket.

I turned thirty-seven yesterday.

Here’s a few thoughts I had on the bike ride home from work, reflecting on my life…

I found a great expression to get you out of most any trouble. This is especially useful at work. Next time you screw something up and you’re called to the carpet, simply respond with, “It was my understanding that…” You can then follow those words with any string of nonsense you choose. Nobody will call you out on your understanding. I notice politicians do this every week on  Meet the Press. “Boss, it was my understanding that banging the interns was encouraged. Did I have that wrong?” See? You can’t punish a guy when he talks with that verbal jujitsu. Now, thank me, and let’s move on. READ MORE

oSex With Karen and D.J. – Episode 3

The third episode of oSex with Karen and D.J. is live! oSex is a videocast where we Karen and I answer your relationship and sex questions. The “O” stands for “opposite”! Get it? There’s two of us, right? And one of us is a lady? (it’s not me) READ MORE

oSex With Karen and D.J. – Episode Two

The second episode of oSex with Karen and D.J. is live! oSex is a videocast where we Karen and I answer your relationship and sex questions. The “O” stands for “opposite”! Get it? There’s two of us, right? And one of us is a lady? (it’s not me) READ MORE

I Wear the Same Shirt on Every First Date

Yes, I know - time to take it to the dry cleaner. It's earned it.

I miss writing.

For the past month I’ve taken time off and haven’t made the blog a priority. It’s a bummer because I miss my regular commenters. I also miss sharing my daily life. Quite frankly, outside of doing a lot of dating, not a whole lot has happened to mention. But not much happened last year and I still managed to write every day without a miss. READ MORE

I’m Writing This Post High on Caffeine – A Confession

This guy's doing it all wrong. But I respect his intensity and focus.

As many of you know I don’t drink, smoke, or use drugs.

About three years ago I even gave up caffeine. While never a coffee or soda drinker (we grew up saying “soft drinks” because “soda” was too low-class), I got hooked on energy drinks. I was engaged at the time and my fiance thought it was cute that I had this one vice. Harmless, right? READ MORE

The Support Group I’m Trying to Save

On a completely unrelated note - here's a shot of Al Pacino starring in the Phil Spector biopic. How damned amazing does this look?

When my wife called me on a Wednesday and told me she had filed for divorce, I didn’t know what to do.

I went into shock. My biggest fear had become realized. Even though she had not mentioned the word divorce any our past therapy sessions in hindsight there were signs she was planning an escape. I just didn’t think the prison break would come that particular Wednesday. It was cowardly to do without mentioning to me in advance, and I was angry. I was also terrified. I felt like a failure. I needed to do something fast. READ MORE

I’ve Always Gone For the Makeout – A Confession

Well... not like these lame Roman Gods. Cooler ones with arrows and thunderbolts and big fists and stuff.

I’m thirty-six and I never learned how to date.

Back in high school when first dates were innocent and slow I assumed I was too ugly to attract a woman. (insert reader sob here. Wait… Did you actually sob? If not, go back and re-read. I want sobbing, dammit!) I did go on one date, but that was it. Other than a random kissing session, that was all I had. READ MORE

My First Date in Over a Year

I'm not anywhere as nervous as that broad. She looks NERVOUS. And a little nutty.

Tonight I’m going out on my first date in over a year.

Over Thanksgiving my girlfriend and I separated. We tried to make it work but it became obvious that it just wasn’t going to happen. This is a difficult thing, as is all breakups where the two people are in love. The major factor in this case was distance, I’m in Chicago and she’s in the south. She recently earned an insanely good job which basically prohibited her from moving up here. I’d rather live in Chicago and wasn’t quite willing to make the plunge to pack up my things and move. We had other issues as well, but that was the biggest one. Instead of continuing not to be able to give each other what we deserved, we’re moving on. READ MORE

I Met a Two-Time Olympic Gold Medalist

Why am I holding the medal like a moron?

I got to meet a two-time Olympic gold medalist today.

A few months back I asked Brian Goodell to come speak to my sales team about motivation and having a positive attitude. I happened to come across him and thought it would be a great fit for our group. Never having met an Olympic athlete I was beyond excited. I’ve always been moved by people that achieve excellence. READ MORE