Would Really Like to Take the Day Off Of Writing

Cans are for pussies.

After 44 days of straight blogging, I’m pretty wiped out.

I am so drained of anything funny that I’m searching any and all memories trying to scrounge up something to write about.  The truth is, I’m stressed about money.  This is incredibly embarrassing but I’m really really low on funds.  For the first time in my life. READ MORE

My Car Exploded! (Not Exactly)

Why would this person take a photo of this? Seems odd.

Earlier I went to the grocery.  (see, I’m just like you!)

On the way there, I heard a large “pop.”  And this came from inside the car.  This was not the first time in recent months that I’ve had a problem with my car.

My mom very graciously passed down her automobile last fall.  It’s from 1999.  And one of those cars that has a lot of gadgets and accessories.  I was thrilled to get a free car – who wouldn’t be?  But also a little embarrassed to have to explain that my mommy gave it to me.  Oh well – got over that one. READ MORE

Vlog – From The Tub

This video was entirely shot, edited, produced and uploaded from the tub.  I know.  It’s cool.

The double chin shown in the video is a special effect I used.  Naturally.

I Got De-Friended!

Feel free to judge, but I actually think I might hit it.

This has probably happened before, I’m sure.

Facebook doesn’t send you a message that says, “Hey bozo, somebody has decided you’re not worth following anymore.  Cheers!”  That would be sort of cruel.  But funny, too. READ MORE

It’s 11:47pm

It was just like this, except the monkey didn't have a gun.

In my ongoing efforts to produce a post every single day, this one is down to the wire.

I only have a few minutes, so here goes:

Last night I dreamt that my sister and my friend’s sister had little girls in  kindergarten.  I went to pick them up from school on a bicycle (not sure how that was going to work), and when I arrived, I saw all the other mothers waiting outside for their kids to appear.  Among the mothers was one monkey with a little 1920s hat and a purse.  She was standing silent with all the human moms, and then when all the kids starting pouring out of the school, a little chimp-baby came out with the other kids. READ MORE

I Communicate With My Ex-Wife Through Jokes

This isn't actually Shitty Kitty, but all one-eyed cats look the same.

One of the questions I am asked regularly is…

Do you still talk with your ex-wife?

The answer is yes.

Since I’m in a ridiculous number of support groups and therapy, I’ve had a year point five to process a lot of the anger and sadness that comes with divorce.   Sure it still pops up once in awhile, and I feel like crying (sometimes I do) or screaming choice expletives at an invisible version of her (I do this too).   That’s normal, from what I’m told. READ MORE

My Server Got Hacked! (But Now It’s Un-Hacked)

Funny, he doesn't look Nigerian.

At around 5pm today I got an urgent email and voicemail from my server and hosting provider, GoDaddy.  Apparently they had been trying to contact me for a week.  The problem is that they also call once in awhile to upsell me on an upgraded server or more bandwidth.   So, whenever they call, I just let it go to voicemail and then I delete, without listening. READ MORE

Coming Home – Vlog

Do you enjoy coming home?  I guess that depends if your parents suck or not.  Here’s my take.