I’m Never In Anyone’s Dreams

When I was in college, my senior capstone class was simply titled, “Dreaming.”

We studied the nature of dreams and their history in psychology, spirituality, and philosophy.  There were two parts to the class – one academic and one practical.  The academic part was pouring through literature about dreams, such as the huge volumes Freud had put together.  Lots of lectures, you know, typical college crap. READ MORE

If You Like The Way You Look In The Mirror…

This is not me, but whoever he is, is hilarious.

About once a week I catch a glimpse of myself as I exit the shower stall.  One whole wall of my bathroom is mirror.  I do my very best to avoid looking at my naked bodice.  I know you do, too.

I was thinking about the meaning of life the other day.  Heady shit, no?  Yes!  One of my favorite spiritual teachers, Richard Sutphen, has taught that the secret of life is to let go of fear and express unconditional love.  Robert Augstus Masters would most likely say that it’s the courage to explore your pain by jumping in the deep end.  Both great. READ MORE

The BIG Reveal!! (at least to me it’s big)

A few days back I wrote about a new feature I’m rolling out with an author pal of mine.  She and I have very strong opinions on stuff.  She’s usually wrong.  (She will very much will not appreciate that last sentence.)

This feature, foolish readers, is all about YOU.  I’m tired of this thing being just about me.  Plus, I’m running out of shit to talk about.  I haven’t eaten a skin tag in forever, nor have I moved my bowels anywhere but the W.C. lately. READ MORE

Today Was Ruined By Pizza

Like Jeff Goldlbum, except much less debonair.

I have developed this amazingly healthy habit of bringing my lunch every day to work.  It saves a few dollars and keeps me out of Subway which continues to get more and more depressing each time I head there.

Plus, I actually feel GOOD about myself preparing a meal the night before.  I wish in high school instead of Honors Civics I could have taken a “Ways to Take Care of Yourself That Will Feel Good” class.  In the syllabus… READ MORE

The Best Thing About Being Me

This is me. Right this amazing second.
There's something odd about the way her arms are positioned that make it obvious this is a pose. As a true napper, this offends me.

You know what I love more than just about anything?  The freedom to pass out on Friday night at 9pm after four pizza slices  and a Fresca. The just happened.

I took a nap on the couch with my cat on my chest.  I awoke with my dog on my chest which is strange as she cannot jump up onto the couch by herself.  Maybe I sleep-helped her up.  No idea. READ MORE

It Started With White Nose Hairs

This guy's doing it all wrong. Your fingers are nature's tweezers, buddy!

I have never picked my nose.  Not once.  I don’t dig and flick.


I absolutely love yanking out nose hairs.  I’ve been doing it since I was twenty-one.  The first time I  was just sitting around watching  Jeopardy  and I reached up to scratch that part of the face where mustaches grow (I know that place has a name, but damned if I know it) and I felt a tickle in my nose. READ MORE

Welcome New Readers!

He's sorry this post sucked nards.

In the past few weeks, traffic has really jumped and I wanted to say thanks.  You’ve probably noticed comments have picked up and I’m glad you’re all talking.

Also, if you’re new, back in January I committed to writing every day.  After that ended, I decided to just keep going.  I think today is around day 88 or so. READ MORE

I Got My First Hate Mail!


So yesterday my cat made peepers on my comforter and I noticed while I was laying it in.  And I nearly beat her silly.

Today, on my way to work, someone posted this…

First of all, the George Zimmerman reference – how topical!  I applaud his ability to liken me to someone who shot and killed a teenager based most likely on prejudice.  Actually, now that I’m thinking about it –  if I did hit the cat, that would probably kill her.  Okay, critic, you win this round! READ MORE