Today Was Ruined By Pizza

brindle delfin
Like Jeff Goldlbum, except much less debonair.

I have developed this amazingly healthy habit of bringing my lunch every day to work.  It saves a few dollars and keeps me out of Subway which continues to get more and more depressing each time I head there.

Plus, I actually feel GOOD about myself preparing a meal the night before.  I wish in high school instead of Honors Civics I could have taken a “Ways to Take Care of Yourself That Will Feel Good” class.  In the syllabus…

  • Cleaning the condo
  • Flossing at night
  • Hitting the gym
  • Drinking a shitload of water
  • Sending random thank you cards to friends
  • Getting 9 hours of sleep

You get it.  Anyway, this morning, instead of making a nice breakfast of yogurt and POM juice, I had six slices of leftover pizza from the night before.  Also breadsticks.

papa johns nightmare
Instant Self-Esteem Destroyer

This day has basically turned into a day of little to no production, as my body is unhappy of what I did to it.  And, I’m ashamed to say that I just realized I did not leave the house.  Ouch.

So, I’m signing off as this day was clearly a failure.  We all have them.  I’m going to put on the sleep mask my girlfriend sent me for Easter, and drift off to slumber.  Where I will undoubtedly dream of the big exam I am taking even though I skipped class all semester.  When I die I’ll have to thank God that 15 years after I graduated from college, that still comes up several times a week.  Thanks, jerk!

brindle delfin
Like Jeff Goldlbum, except much less debonair.

9 thoughts on “Today Was Ruined By Pizza”

  1. Gwennie says:

    It wasn’t even Giordano’s Pizza – what a fucking waste.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

       @Gwennie  You’re obviously not from Chicago. Nobody here (who has taste) would choose Giordano’s over Lou Malnati’s.  So, if you’re going to shame me, do it right!

      1. Gwennie says:

        @delfinparis I waivered hard between Giordano’s and Gino’s, ultimately deciding Giordano’s was better. But alas, you are right. I am a Kansas girl!!!! We will have to try LM’s when we are there this summer. 🙂 I am quite sure all 3 are better than Papa fuckin’ Johns. Gross.

  2. uglytruthnews says:

    If it makes you feel any better…it’s 8:44 a.m. and eating left over kung pow chicken for breakfast.  Certainly not my finest moment, but I couldn’t handle Grape Nuts again.

  3. JustKarenJoyce says:

    I had 5 Guys for lunch. The burgers. Not the guys. And I decided to enjoy every darn bite because darnit I HAVE been good. So just sayin’ – Go floss and toss out the pizza box. Today is a new day and DINGDINGDING you’ve hit the karmic re-set button. 🙂

    1. Sean P Farley says:

       @JustKarenJoyce  Oh my god!! Ok, we don’t know each other, but I was JUST saying to my partner how I wanted Five Guys for lunch. NO JOKE. Not FIVE seconds before I read your comment.  It’s officially fate – I must go get Five Guys.

      1. D.J. Paris says:

         @JustKarenJoyce  I don’t like the idea of you two talking together, because, it’s not about ME.  Knock it off!

  4. Sean P Farley says:

    Ouch. I feel your pain, I really, really do.  I’ve been SO good about the gym, and making my own meals for work.  But I work in a school, and our spring break starts this week, which equates to eating shit.  I wasted no time.  As my partner headed off to the store last night, impulse forced me to say, “Don’t forget an ice cream sandwich.”  Like a bastard, he actually brought me one.  Of course I had to eat it.  The worst part? It was DELICIOUS.  Just as I’m sure that pizza and breadsticks was.  Just be sure to eat some tree bark and spinach to make up for it. 🙂  

  5. Jessica_thereader says:

    Pappa John’s never ruin anyone’s day. Ever. Period.

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