Cheer Someone Up With Fake Twitter Followers

I have a friend who is in the middle of a divorce.

Her ex-husband is causing emotional distress. They have a child and she’s unable to completely break from him. He’s not a bad guy but has a number of issues that he hasn’t  responsibly addressed. READ MORE

Shame Will Fuel This Weight Loss

The cat is also cutting calories starting today. Hopefully it's clear why.

I’m on a quest to lose ten pounds.

Why? Two reasons. One, I have too much body fat. While I eat pretty healthy, I eat too much. If I don’t regulate my caloric intake, I’m bound to eat everything  that’s awesome in the cupboard. I’m sure it’s a coping mechanism for some sort of sadness or whatever. Like if you don’t write comments at the end of each post. Yep – it’s your fault. If I die from too much food my attorney has been instructed to sue the lot of you. After we in punitive damages my will states that the casket is to be exhumed and your piles of dough are to be dumped in with my rotting corpse. This way, if heaven has a sundries shop, I can buy some stuff. READ MORE

Back To Basics

These guys would not be smiling if they saw the wasteland that is my ear canal.

In the past whenever I’ve deviated from my normal format – namely, writing about stupid things that happen throughout the day, it never ends up connecting.

Sometimes I do it  just to fill content. Earlier this year I started a “send me images and I’ll caption them” kind of thing. And while I was proud of the jokes, it just didn’t feel like what this blog is about. I’ve done the same type of experiment with other features. Anything that’s taken me a step away from my normal format ends up not really working. READ MORE

I Tackle a Woman’s Issue!

You wore THAT necklace? Totally clashes with the baby, yo. Fashion fail.

Earlier today I was goofing around with my blogger friend Erin Margolin about writing a post called “Breastfeeding in Public – A Dude’s Perspective.” If you’re not familiar, this is a hot button topic where women bloggers and readers are fired up on both sides. Apparently it’s a huge deal. READ MORE

There’s Something Better Than Crushed Ice?

Yes, they occur naturally, and instead of ice pellets they should be called "God's free candy." But, seriously, don't eat them from the ground. You'll get worms.

I usually try to tackle heavy subjects like fear, depression, loss, anger and shame.

Tonight, however, I’d like to go deeper.

I was talking to a friend recently about my theory that people who click the “non-crushed” ice button on their refrigerators have horrible self-esteem. First off, if you don’t like chewing on ice you’ve obviously never chewed on ice. It’s delectable. It’s not subjective, as ice has no flavor. And you like chewing, right? You do it all day. Now, you might not like chewing on canned tuna or Whoppers (both are terrible), but even if you do, I can’t use that to judge your psychological well-being. I believe you just have shitty taste and your buds are really whacked out of alignment. But you’re not nuts, necessarily. READ MORE

I’m Going To Do It But I’m Not Going To Do It

I can't fathom what this is about, but I feel that it probably falls into the "gigantic waste of time" bucket.

Yesterday I almost didn’t go to my support group meeting.

Now, this isn’t really a support group in the traditional sense. We’re not a bunch of divorcees (well, a few of us are) trying to get closure, or boozebags (well, some of us are) learning the steps to recovery. We don’t hold hands and there are no prayers. It’s actually called “The Experiment” and it is run by all of us to help process our shit that we carry. It’s very heavy, emotional and real. READ MORE

Billboards Are Depressing and BRIGHT

The dog is smart. She faces away.

I’m currently staring at Norm MacDonald’s face.

I’m fortunate enough to live directly across from a beautiful billboard. And, oh yeah, I paid more that the other units to be on the top floor where it’s at eye level. When I go to sell this place, remind me to only show it during the day. READ MORE

My Head Is Very Important To Me

Hey, for all you that think I'm pale, look at how much more color I have than my t-shirt. Uh... actually, scratch that.

I nearly died today.

Okay – that’s a little dramatic. No, it’s actually very dramatic.

But I did almost injure myself.

I was getting ready for work which entails me putting on my workout clothes, packing my business suit in the pannier, strapping it to the bike, grabbing my dog, putting her sweater on and placing her in the dog backpack, loading the backpack on my back, setting my phone in the armband holder, tightening the seal on my earbuds, and donning the bike helmet and sunglasses. It’s a whole thing. READ MORE

Let’s Talk Bacon

If the rest of my skull gets that shiny, I'll make a terrible bald dude.

Bacon is the most delicious food on the planet, but causes mild hallucinations.

I woke up on Sunday and tried to figure out what to do with my day. Should I break my eighteen year streak of not making church service? As a true competitor I have a record to maintain. Look, it’s true that when I get to church (read: going to somebody’s wedding) I do feel better. But you know what also makes me feel better?  Meet the Press  and an omelette. READ MORE