Want a 2012 ThoughtsFromParis Holiday Card?

These children need to be taken into protective custody, stat. STAT!

It’s that time of the year – the holidays.

The end of the year where you get excited about spending time with family. Then, through old conditioning and  dysfunction your self-esteem becomes neutralized. Finally, you can’t wait to get the hell out of there. Mom can still make you crazy, and, let’s face it, you’re not exactly running around helping your folks clean up. They want you gone, too. READ MORE

I Got Pulled Over Again!

The whistle never leaves the mouth and the gloves never come off. And yet, we still don't respect the traffic cop.

For the second time in about six months, I got pulled over.

I was driving to a doctor’s appointment this evening and talking to the friend I wrote about the other day where I offered to eat her kidney stone. I live in Chicago and it’s impossible to speed. I’m even one of those nerds that does a complete stop at stop signs. I’m not all law-abidin’, though. I turn on red all the time even when there isn’t a turn arrow in the left lane or if there’s a “no turn on red” sign in the right lane. I’m an outlaw when it comes to turning. But, this time I know I was just driving along at 27 mph through downtown Evanston. READ MORE

The Girl I See Every Day on the Train

Mine looks exactly like this. I got it free during a charity dog walk I did or some shit.

This happens every year.

I ride the subway to and from work during the winter months. Lately I’ve noticed that I’m one of the older people. It’s mostly kids in their twenties. At thirty-six I don’t feel too old to take the train. In NYC you have people in walkers dropping dead on the D line. But here in Chicago the “L” (short for “elevated train”) is a young man’s game. Even the pretty women look too young. They’re twenty-five but look like children. I’m getting older. READ MORE

I Almost Ate One of Your Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones - the world's most disappointing rock candy lookalike.

One of my most dedicated readers and fellow bloggers passed a kidney stone today.

When I asked her to describe the pain (or lack of) she wrote, “It was like someone stabbed me in the back and then spun me around on the blade for six hours.” (Hyperbole much, Nicole?) If anything she’s more apt to make a joke of something that tell you how painful it really feels. She was even the hospital for a full day because it was serious. READ MORE

Today I Ate a Dead Man’s Lunch

Who walks by a Jimmy John's and goes, "Holy Jesus, that smell is heavenly!" It's not exactly the same olfactory workout you get when passing by a Mrs. Field's stand in the mall.

Okay, so I’m not sure how to write about this one.

I hired a guy about six months ago for a position. He was in his early sixties and one of the nicest people I had ever met. His past career had been in education and he was a dean at a university prior to working with us. He would come in every day and sit at his desk  working  to  build a business in real estate. READ MORE

I Hope This is the Last Post on Cat Pee Ever

This time I’m not going to write about my cat peeing on all sorts of stuff that isn’t kitty litter.

I’m going to explain the wreckage of past and present. The destruction left in her wake. I know wake is a noun referencing past events but let’s imagine she’s still speeding along in a cigarette boat. That way the expression works a little better. READ MORE

One Month To Go – Don’t Screw It Up!

Maybe I'll devote December's posts to all the cool stuff that goes on in Thailand. Sure, this baby was eaten, but was eaten in a damned awesome way.

Back in January I promised to write every day that month. Then I just kept going.

Now, I’m in the home stretch with one month to go. I’ve gone without a miss and I’m proud of the work that’s been published. I would have never thought that I would have something to say every day of the year but I guess I did. Not every post was a winner – there’s a probably a dozen or two that I’d like removed. The bad hair days of writing, if you will. READ MORE

Going To a Dry Well

Just the thought of drinking well-water and I can taste that metal and I start shuddering.

Recently a reader asked if I had recorded the presentation I gave at AimingLow’s NonCon event this past fall.

Due to the intimacy of the room and the attendees, it really wouldn’t have made sense to video the talk. Also, it was interactive at times which wouldn’t have translated well to video. I do, however, have the presentation and thought I’d write tonight on one of the topics I discussed. READ MORE

Last Night I Woke Up With This Joke

Remember when having that hair strand thing was considered cool? I could never pull it off. Good thing, in retrospect.

Since my biology is very dear to my readers I feel it important for you to know that at least once during the night I’m awakened by nature’s call.

Thankfully I sleep mere feet from my bathroom and I simply roll out of bed, take a few steps, and complete the task at hand. I can do it while still dreaming. READ MORE