Bloggers Are Weird Podcast – Suzy Soro

Today I spoke with road comic  Suzy Soro  about her start in the humor business, why she quit blogging, getting a book deal via Twitter, and why she cried with Angelina Jolie.

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    It Turns Out I Sleep Bad – Part I

    They also hooked one up to my nuts, but just to be funny. Those wacky technicians!

    For as long as I can remember I’ve been exhausted.

    I started taking naps my last year of college. I was studying meditation and self-hypnosis and would put myself in a deep trance following whatever instructions the new-agey book I was reading at the time suggested. Now, many years later, I realize that what I was really doing was falling asleep. I’d wake up fifteen minutes later feeling mildly refreshed. Meanwhile I thought I had meditated and achieved nirvana. READ MORE

    Linda Roy – ElleroyWasHere – LeftyPop – Bloggers Are Weird Podcast

    We’re back with author and blogger Linda Roy of  ElleroyWasHere  and  LeftyPop  to talk about how to get noticed online and why she got poked by a dead person on Facebook.

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  • Visit the  official Bloggers are Weird website
  • Watch via YouTube below (if you’re using my app, click over to the podcast or youtube section)

    I’m Going to Have To Give Up The Cat

    Taken this morning. I was naked at the time. Naked, people!

    I recently came to terms that I’m going to have to give up my cat Pantaloons.

    My girlfriend is allergic. She’s a good sport when she visits and takes a Benadryl which clears up her symptoms. But how long am I going to make her pop meds to be comfortable? READ MORE

    Someone Flipped Me The Bird!

    I can only hope to run into this delightful human being again.

    Had an amazing experience on the subway yesterday.

    Well, in Chicago we don’t call it the subway. It’s the “el” which is short for “elevated train” because it does, in fact, go above ground. The trains also go below ground, too. I’m sticking with “subway,”  although this incident technically happened at an elevated structure. READ MORE

    Back from a Real Vacation and a Three Week Writing Vacation

    These sons of bitches flew around my head while I was reading. It was terrifying.

    It’s been three weeks since I wrote anything.

    Well, this is not entirely true. I did post a story last week about how it was discovered that my girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend is now seriously dating a woman I used to see ten years prior.

    You may have to read that twice. There isn’t an easier way to explain it. READ MORE

    100k Twitter Followers and Caffeine Addiction

    I crossed over 100k Twitter followers today.

    Yes, it’s a not-so-subtle brag. But, screw it.  I’m taking a victory lap.

    The victory lap equates to a night of eating pizza until passout.

    Before the carbs and fat sink my consciousness I’m going to attempt to eek out this post. READ MORE

    I Have a Big Brag to Announce About My Greatness

    For no reason at all here is my cat and dog.

    I’ve been busy over the past two days.

    First I released a new version of my Apple and Android app which include push notifications. Yes, you now get a popup whenever I write something new. Does my narcissism know no bounds?

    Also I launched a Twitter web app which pokes around through your followers to see if anyone famous follows you. It’s pointless and silly but so are a majority of the activities in which I participate. READ MORE