I Played Dress Up For Fun

I wore a nice shirt and tie to work today.

For the previous year I have been in nothing more upscale then my Lucky Brand jeans.   In the summer I wear shorts and a polo shirt.

Mostly this is because I bike to work every day, which leaves me completely soaked with perspiration by the time I enter the office.   Since I shower in the morning, I don’t smell bad. I towel off the sweat in the bathroom and change clothes. READ MORE

I Get Drunk On Not-Eating

A girl took me to lunch today.

Actually, I paid, but it was her idea.

In my profession, which is managing Chicago real estate agents, I am constantly recruiting.

Many firms simply do a terrible job of supporting their realtors and leasing agents, and I am always reaching out asking if they would be interested to join our firm. READ MORE

AdultSituations – Carlton Loves P**n

Remember watching HBO when you were a kid, and when an R rated movie came on like Angel Heart or Hardbodies 2, you sat with eager anticipation of the warnings that would display right before the film started?  As a boy, the best I could hope for was “nudity.”     Although, often times, if there wasn't nudity in a movie, there still might be “adult situations.”  This usually meant that there was some dialog in the movie pertaining to sex.  Good enough. READ MORE