Worries in the Night – Band Back Together BlogAThon

Originally posted at One Day at a Time

Night is not a good time for me. The time when I’ve finished reading all my feeds, and all my online friends in other time zones were in bed hours ago, and finding something to occupy my mind becomes more difficult. Or even worse, when I’m settling down to try and sleep. It’s not always a good idea to leave me alone with my thoughts, with nothing to keep them at bay. READ MORE

Words Like White Elephants – Band Back Together Blogathon

Sometimes, we at the Band know that part of owning who you are is admitting it to the world. It’s one reason why we at The Band work tirelessly to break down stigmas and find the ties that connect us all, the ties that remind us that we are none of us alone. Please join us in standing tall and proud as we tell the world who we are. READ MORE

Special Announcement Vlog – BandBackTogether 2013 Blogathon Fundraiser

Online fundraising for BAND BACK TOGETHER PROJECT at Razoo

Caffeine Sober

No, seriously, I want the t-shirts and everything.

I’m two days caffeine sober.

I had to do it.

The past four years I  hadn’t  touched any caffeine. Well, let me back up. Basically I didn’t drink any caffeine until I was thirty-one years old. Then I discovered energy drinks and the amazing high you get from them. Since I don’t drink or use drugs the highs I experience are limited. I can’t butt bong a beer, huff hobby glue, or pack bong loads. I can eat too much pizza and drink caffeine. That’s it for me. READ MORE

oSex With Karen and D.J. – Episode 3

The third episode of oSex with Karen and D.J. is live! oSex is a videocast where we Karen and I answer your relationship and sex questions. The “O” stands for “opposite”! Get it? There’s two of us, right? And one of us is a lady? (it’s not me) READ MORE

Promote Your Blog On My Blog Right Now – Take VI

We always use a Wil Wheaton photo to do these posts. This one is inappropriate.

Holy jumping Jesusfish! It’s been over four months since I let you promote your crappy blog on my crappy blog!

And it’s time, like that ridiculous phoenix everyone talks about metaphorically (but nobody actually knows the story) and rise from the ashes. READ MORE

I Totally Got Gypped On My Date Tonight

I couldn't wait to slobber all over it.

I’m writing this from a date in progress. A ThoughtsFromParis first, as it were.

A woman I’m seeing who requested that I don’t use her real name (it’s Helen) asked me over for dinner tonight. The first bloggable moment came in the way she brought up this dinner over the phone. READ MORE