What Freaks You Out? (I’m In The Middle Of Cooking A Curry Chicken Dinner So This Will Be Brief)

nails on chalkboard
This one doesn't bother me, strangely

In the past few months, I’ve talked about sensory  processing  disorder (SPD), how I can’t stand to touch cotton balls, and that I want to buy a 20lb blanket to soothe me.

I was talking with my girlfriend Jessica, and I mentioned that rubbing two Kleenexes together totally freaks me out.  As I was saying this over the phone, she shivered out loud and said she could feel pain in the nerves of her teeth thinking about this.  I thought it was just me.

Over the past few weeks, a bunch of you have talked about what freaks you out.  So far, here are a few…

  • Fingernails across a chalkboard
  • Squeezing cotton balls
  • Biting down on aluminum foil
  • Squeezing and tearing styrofoam peanuts
  • Rubbing  corduroy or velvet
  • Pulling the loose hairs off of yarn
  • Walking barefoot in grass
  • Having gauze in your mouth
  • Rubbing balloons

Okay this is a start.  My curry chicken is nearly done.

What freaks you out?  Comment below, skanks!

nails on chalkboard
This one doesn't bother me, strangely.

23 thoughts on “What Freaks You Out? (I’m In The Middle Of Cooking A Curry Chicken Dinner So This Will Be Brief)”

  1. KarolineRiskowski says:

    chalkboard scratching (I hate it when my dad does this), the thought of Mitt Romney as POTUS.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

       @KarolineRiskowski  Chalkboard scratching is to SPD what getting drunk on NYE is to alcoholics – amateur hour.  I love chalkboard scratching.

  2. atvelasquez3 says:

    Chalk board! And balloons rubbing together.

    I’m an OT and work with kids wirh SPD. Bean bag chair. It’s cozy and calming. It gives you that input that you might need.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

       @atvelasquez3  I’m going to have to try.  The old crappy bean bag chairs with the pellets were sort of uncomfortable to me.  I’m going to get a skin brush too, and brush the shit out of my epidermis.

  3. Sonja Rois says:

    knuckles cracking, bones breaking/popping or teeth grinding.   Any kindof bone noise.   Even when your joints creak it makes me want to run away and burrow into a hole. Oh, and it makes me nauseous.   Seriously, i get physically ill when I hear bone sounds.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

       @Sonja Rois  Yes, knuckles cracking is awful.  That sound drives me crazy.  I have never intentionally cracked a knuckle.  It scares me.

  4. mwar8811 says:

    i cant stand any type of silverware scraping against someones teeth when they eat.. and i cant wash metal silverware in a metal sink, literally CANT.  

    1. D.J. Paris says:

       @mwar8811  The sink thing is about metal touching metal?  This goes back to how dad treated you.  He must have been a monster.

  5. Carolina HeartStrings says:

    I love your title, btw.  Sticky bothers me.  I wouldn’t say freaks me out but seriously bothers me.  Like if the kids get syrup on the counter.  Or when spilt juice dries.  Most folks in the US make their peanut butter sandwiches with jelly (jam) but I always make mine and the kids with just peanut butter because I hate the way jam jars eventually end up sticky on the sides or the jam might ooze out of the sandwich and get on my fingers.  Ick.  

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      I agree with a lot of what you said.  None of that freaks me out, but I’d rather not deal with that.  And, plus, jelly is just gross.

  6. David_Walshie says:

    Biting into a popsicle
    using a can opener
    using an exacto knife
    the sound of OTHER people eating apples

    1. D.J. Paris says:

       @David_Walshie  What about a horse eating an apple?  Better or worse than a human eating an apple?  My intuition tells me “worse.”

      1. David_Walshie says:

         @delfinparis  Horses are fine. I grew up with them. They are generally better than people, so they get a pass.

        1. D.J. Paris says:

           @David_Walshie   Hmm – you’re giving a lot of leeway to an animal that can buck-kill you.

    2. pdk117 says:

       @David_Walshie I hate the feeling when my teeth scrape against the wooden stick. I have goose   bumps just writing the words. Paul @pdk117  

  7. apodd2012 says:

    Grocery stores, I hate them, I get freaked out by too many people walking in the aisles, people touching food I may eat, also people talking to me…stop talking to me when I am picking out my female special time stuff..seriously
    . So to be able to grocery shop, I have to have head phones on or I freak out. Fun fact, I worked all though high school and part  college in a grocery store.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

       @apodd2012  Wow – you are a straight up weirdo. You’ve murdered before, yes?

  8. PeachesAndSpock says:

    The sound of my mother chewing anything crunchy.  She sounds like a horse. Freaks me out. I’ve never told a soul before this moment.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

       @PeachesAndSpock  Your mother has been notified.  She’s not happy.

    2. pdk117 says:

       @PeachesAndSpock Chewing loud and crunchy and with mouth open so you can see what the person is eating really gets to me. I have many times said something to the person doing this. That’s how much it bothers me.
      On one trip to Six Flags, about a 2 hour drive, my wife asked our friends in the back seat, who I knew were slappy chewers, if the wanted gum. My mind screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. They all 3 said yes. It was the worst 2 hours of my life. Sounded like 3 cows walking in mud. Not kidding one bit. Paul @pdk117  

  9. pdk117 says:

    OK DJ, this is going to sound totally off the wall but I can’t stand the smell of CURRY. I know, how freaky is that. I moved into a home a few years back and when we walked in the smell hit us   in the face. The previous owner were American Indians and used curry on everything. I walked in, took a whiff , puked. That’s how it went for me the first time seeing my new home. Paul @pdk117  

    1. D.J. Paris says:

       @pdk117  Paul, let’s be honest.  You don’t like the smell of Indians.  It’s okay.  Everyone’s your pal here.  And, c’mon, their houses do reek.

      1. pdk117 says:

         @tfpHumorBlog Being honest DJ. I love all people of all races. I just don’t agree with some of their smells. Maybe it is do to the fact that I have no scent like you. We are the few lucky ones. I have to agree their homes do reek. I can smell an Indian blind folded. However, that does not mean they are not decent people. It just means they stink. Paul @pdk117  

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