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New Logo, Suckas!

There are a couple of issues with my site that have been bothering me.

The speed thing is being looked at.  Because my site has so much design (most blogs don’t), it’s tricky to keep the integrity of the graphics and also have the blog load at a decent clip.  Thanks for being patient, and we’ll get it fixed.

The guy floating was nice, but…

  1. I don’t own a briefcase because this isn’t 1987.
  2. I don’t wear a trench coat because this isn’t 1987.

Here was the old design.  Cool, but not entirely me.

Floating to a business meeting somewhere in the nimbus.

I had a new one built that was more “D.J.”  Updated, appropriate attire, and the backpack I use to cart my dog around every day.  True, I do wear a suit to work, but in my spare time you’ll see me almost exclusively in solid color t-shirts and jeans.  Underneath I wear the most amazingly sexual pair of undies you’ve ever pulled off with your teeth.  Just kidding – they’re simple boxer briefs.  With holes.

By the way, why is it called a “pair” of underwear?  I’m guessing because you have two legs?  But what about dudes with one leg?  I guess they probably have bigger problems than worrying about vernacular.

Below is the new logo.  Simple and more subtle.  The floating now makes sense because I am so constantly lost in my own thoughts that I miss most stuff around me.  And the illustration now looks more like me.

Since I don’t have a head drawn, if anyone would like to draw my head, I’d put it on the site somewhere.  That might be kind of funny.

This is right.
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