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I Ran Over My Groceries!

Back on January 1st, I committed to writing one post a day for thirty days.  This was a difficult task for that month, and it caused me to build a few muscles that I hadn’t before.  Now it’s mid-April and I have the streak intact.

I used to plan out my posts in the morning on the way to work.  I’d draft an outline, write a bit on the subway, and then on the way home from work, try to get most of it down.  Then at home I’d add photos, links, do the final editing and publish.

My process now is that I never have an idea before I sit down.  I’m just, quite frankly, out of ideas.  So, this is a new muscle to build – can I just sit down and write something honest, funny, and entertaining every night.  Probably the answer is “no” but my batting average is decent thus far.

Tonight, I realized I had no vegetables in my condo, and I thought that was a bad sign, so I headed to the grocery.  When I got home I parked my car and then, when I got out, realized I had it sort of sideways, too close to my neighbors car.  I put my grocery bags down and  got back in the car to re-park.

Then I promptly ran over the groceries.

I had two bags, and one was completely stuck under the front passenger wheel.  I should have taken a photo then, but I freaked out and ran to the car, as if I had a kitten trapped under the wheel.

The disgusting Greek yogurt I bought had exploded all over the other foodstuffs, and we all know how great that stuff smells.

And then it hit me…

Well at least I know what I’m writing about tonight.

Here’s a few shots of the road-kill bag of food.

I cleaned off the veggies. Currently in my freezer. No shame.
These got tossed. I'm no savage.
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