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I Have Integrity!

The other day an advertiser for a very popular video clip website (not THAT one) contacted me about putting a link to their site on my page.  They were willing to spring for some decent cash and I was excited.  First, I use their website.  Second, I need the dough.

So, I put it up as I normally would and was just about ready to accept payment when the rep emailed me telling me that they didn’t want to be seen in an “advertiser” section.

Okay – fine.  It’s good money.  So I asked what they wanted.

This company wanted me to write posts I normally do, but every so often put a sentence in the middle with something like…

So, I have this weird rash on my taint, and it’s pretty disturbing because I’m at work, and I can’t just scratch it while I’m talking to a co-worker, so I have to sit and straddle my desk and wiggle, and oh my God I just saw the funniest video about a kitten playing with a grocery bag.  So, back to my rash.  It’s so smelly, too.

I tried to reason with the company telling them under no circumstance could I do anything so douchey and it would make their brand seem weak.  I wrote back and said, “Hey look, this isn’t going to work.  You’re paying me, and with this strategy my traffic will do down, loyalty will diminish, and you won’t get results because my readers will see right through this.  Since you’re paying me, this is a bad investment.  However, my readers do support my advertisers, so let’s just put it with the others.”

They passed.  Oh well.

This site may not make me rich, but at least I have my integrity.  By the way, I totally need each of you to tell a friend so I can double my traffic and satisfy my ego which tells me at that level I’ll finally feel good about myself.  You want me to feel good about myself, right?

He really wants you to tell your friends about this site. Don't let him down.
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