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I Finished My First Podcast

I had my first podcast experience today where I was hosting.

I’ve been a guest on a few radio shows before but never one where I did the conducting. Since I listen to podcasts everyday I figured this would be an easy task. It was not.

First were the pre-show engineering tasks. Basically I had to find music that could be used without me getting a cease and desist. Well, it turns out it’s kind of murky on what you can and can’t do. Sure I could use the a Lynyrd Skynyrd track for my intro but those hillbillies might end up coming after me. Well, their attorneys, I guess. I’m worth nothing so I wasn’t exactly worried. But it would suck to have to re edit this stuff down the road. So, I did the right thing and bought some royalty-free music.

Picking out the right intro music for my podcast was not easy. I ended up with a song called Sex, Whiskey, and Rock and Roll. As somebody who only occasionally partakes in two of those (not saying which), it seemed like a funny fit. When you hear the intro bumper I’m pretty sure you’ll like it. I really wanted to put Mozart’s Violin concerto #3 in there because I’m sophisticated and want to appear better than you. It may also be my favorite bit of music. Sometimes I go into my bathroom, put on this piece, and pretend like I’m playing violin. A thirty-six year old should have different fantasies,  right?

Once the music was selected then I had to learn some basic sound editing. I figured it out okay. Then I had to learn how to configure my computer to record my voice through the condenser mic and mixer but the guest’s voice through Skype. That was actually complicated. It was originally going to take two computers, but I got it down to one. Isn’t this thrilling shit?

The easiest part, I thought, would be the interview. I basically talk for a living, and I present usually four to six hours a day. I didn’t think I’d have any challenges. Well, during playback I found a lot of stuttering. Not like that one kid in third grade named Steve who stuttered that you threw erasers at his faulty head. Half-started sentences stuttering. Plus, and I can’t believe it – I said, “um” a few times. Bush league.

Oh, and also I didn’t have enough stuff prepared for the interview. This was okay because I want to keep the episode short.

Since word is spreading I now have six future guests lined up. I’m excited.

I’m going to keep the content quiet until iTunes approves the podcast which should be within seven days. I even have sponsors and everything!

Well, I’m exhausted. Time to go to the land of Nod where once again I will dream of my once-best friend Matt who decided to leave the friendship without explanation in ninth grade. Why Matt, why?

Probably because he was a douche, subconscious. Now, let’s drop it.

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