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Help Me Figure Out A Tagline!

Now that I’m ranking really high on Google for terms like “best blog” and “funny blog”, my traffic is exploding.  I need to come up with a good tagline underneath the main title image of “ThoughtsFromParis.”


Because I think people don’t know what the hell to think when they visit my site for the first time.

And let’s be honest, nobody cares about anything from France.  I mean, I get a few French visitors every week, but I don’t need any more smelly folks hanging around.

I don’t necessarily need a tagline that clarifies, “I’m not actually from France” or that my last name is Paris (it is), but I want people to know that this is a blog about humor, vulnerability, and honesty.  You know, girl stuff.

It needs to be short, and something that can fit under my title. The Bloggess has a great tagline. “Like Mother Teresa Only Better.”  Noa Gavin has “I’m Funnier Than Your Grandma.”  Both awesome.

So, what do you think, readers?  Write your suggestion below in the comments.  If you don’t help me, I’m going to have to figure it out myself.  And that just plain sucks.

I will remember this tagline about, um, taglines!
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