Jackée From 227 Got Married and I Was There

I was kidding about her real name being Erin. (It's Midge)
Jackée Harry
I was kidding about her real name being Erin. (It’s Midge)

My friend  Jackée  Harry (from 227) got married tonight.

I don’t know the real Jackée but out of respect I should probably change the bride’s name. (It’s Erin)

Three years ago I was invited by someone I knew in A.A. (I’m an alcoholic – thankfully sober) who was starting a group called The Experiment. The structure was very simple. Meet in a room once a week and tell the truth about what’s really going on in your life. The good and the bad. This is a safe place to bring your shit. READ MORE

Prepping For The NonCon

Tomorrow I’m flying to Atlanta to speak at AimingLow’s blogging conference aptly named NonConference.

This will be my first speaking event where I address bloggers. I’m grateful to have been asked and over the past few months have tried to create a worthwhile presentation/discussion for attendees. My topic is about taking risks with your writing and trusting in your abilities. READ MORE

This Was Written In The Nude

Took this during the writing of this post to point out my sincere nakedness. Notice how my dog is sleeping against my awful chest hair.

I just checked and ThoughtsFromParis now has 174,800 words published. To celebrate the achievement I decided to try something different. A blog post written in the nude.

Now while this sounds like  shtick  masquerading  as filler since I don’t have any ideas of what to write tonight, I will tell you that is correct. Plus, I just got out of the bath and was nude already. The only thing I’m wearing is the laptop on my thighs and a wet dog around my shins. She had her bath at the same time. With me. Totally sexed out, ladies? READ MORE

My Knee Is Not Unique Anymore!

Are these all the teeth horses have? I feel like I should know this as I was married to a vet and we owned one.

I have to say that in some ways I’m not like you.

For example you most likely haven’t talked about conditioning your private hair with your father. Or confessed that during phone conversations with loved ones  you do inappropriate personal activity. Also, you probably don’t ride a bike to work with a dog in a backpack. Your first, middle, and last names probably aren’t as unusual as mine (plus I’m a “third”) for a pale while boy with blonde hair. READ MORE

I Solved The Sweating Problem A Year Ago

Three things - first, how awful is that logo? Second, I didn't know that "Jaycees" was a real thing. I guess it is. Third, if I had any self-esteem I would have cleaned the burrito stain off the shirt prior to this photo.

Yesterday I wrote about how I sweat through shirts when it’s hot out.  I think my body just runs warmer than most.  It’s not a lot of fun when you’re trying to impress a chick at the Taste of Chicago in early July eating a turkey leg sweating like a moron. READ MORE

I Get Drunk On Not-Eating

A girl took me to lunch today.

Actually, I paid, but it was her idea.

In my profession, which is managing Chicago real estate agents, I am constantly recruiting.

Many firms simply do a terrible job of supporting their realtors and leasing agents, and I am always reaching out asking if they would be interested to join our firm. READ MORE