This Post Isn’t Funny – Sorry, Yo

A few months ago, to eat better and save a few dollars, I decided to bring my own lunch every day to work.  I’ve been working professionally since I was twenty-one, and why I have failed to do this up until now, I have no idea.

It’s something small that I do for myself every morning.  Actually I do three things that are healthy. READ MORE

I Scored A Turkey Breast!

Okay, it doesn't look awesome. But it is.

I have an AWESOME food tip for you.

You know those rotisserie chickens you can get pre-cooked from the grocery store?  I love those things and probably average one a week.  I heat up a little brown rice and vegetables and combine it all in a bowl like pig feed.  I know this sounds healthy, and it is, but it’s only once a week.  The rest of the time it’s fozen pizzas and graham cracker Double Stuf Oreos. READ MORE


This counts, people.

I just finished a seven person dinner party.  I cooked a 15 lb turkey.  No gravy – gravy is for pussies who don’t know how to cook a turkey.

Okay, going to bed.  Exhausted.

Most amazing post ever, D.J.!

My Car Exploded! (Not Exactly)

Why would this person take a photo of this? Seems odd.

Earlier I went to the grocery.  (see, I’m just like you!)

On the way there, I heard a large “pop.”  And this came from inside the car.  This was not the first time in recent months that I’ve had a problem with my car.

My mom very graciously passed down her automobile last fall.  It’s from 1999.  And one of those cars that has a lot of gadgets and accessories.  I was thrilled to get a free car – who wouldn’t be?  But also a little embarrassed to have to explain that my mommy gave it to me.  Oh well – got over that one. READ MORE

Cat Peeing – SOLVED

Why wouldn't I want to go outside when it's 12 degrees out?

I’ve previously discussed how my cat Pantaloons has an unfortunate habit of urinating outside her litter box.

More specifically she urinates on the rug just to the right of my bed.   This is where, when I spring out of bed in the morning (and yes, I spring), I step.   Now, thankfully she hasn’t ever done it in the middle of the night because I get up at least twice like an old man. READ MORE