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I Was The Balloonicorn At BlogHer

On the first night of BlogHer balloon artist Kelly Cheatle worked in her room for five hours before the People’s Party.  Kelly was inspired by TheBloggess who has written extensively about the magic of the traveling red dress.

Just for a goof, she created The Traveling Red Balloon Dress.  It quickly became the focus of the party, and scores of women put it on, wore it, and then passed it to somebody new.

Tonight, at the SparkleCorn party, again, just for fun, Kelly hung out and created unicorn balloon hats for everyone.

Then, because…  actually I don’t why, exactly, but she made a full body unicorn suit.  In fact, I wasn’t even paying attention and all of a sudden it was around me.  And instantly I was the Balloonicorn.

The Balloonicorn was huge, tight, and hilarious.  The photo below is not representative of its full awesomeness.

The most important person in the universe is me, so this made sense.


Since I’m one of few men at BlogHer I think most women assumed I was some sort of walkaround hired living art thing.  After the fourteenth blogger failed to ask me what I write (which is the first thing that is normally asked) I realized I was no longer a blogger, but a showcase of latex.  I should probably reword that.

While I was slightly embarrassed wearing the suit I admit that it was nice to get attention.  Not the kind that feeds my ego, as I get enough of that here.  God bless you for that, by the way.  Why try to make myself feel important when I have you guys do to if for me?

Having people come over to me and talk was much easier than walking all the way over there.  I’m in no way shy, but I am lazy.  The Balloonicorn was a constant photo op and conversation starter.  It was just damned fun.

At the end of the night it was time, much like the traveling red balloon dress, to pass the Balloonicorn t0rch.  I picked a blogger who was nearby, and forced it upon her.  I should probably reword that, too.

The Balloonicorn at Sparklecorn was the most fun I’ve had thus far at BlogHer.  Ooh, and I finally got to plug in “thus” into a post!  I’m sophisticated!

Good luck squatting over the toilet with that, new Balloonicorn! (that’s what chicks do, right?)
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