First Vlog of 2012!

Thought I’d check in and tell you a few things that are going on – click below and watch.  If you don’t have speakers, and can’t read lips, you will be confused and bored.

How To Comment as a Guest! (stay anonymous and dirty)

The reality is that nobody cares about your identity anyway.
online anonymous
The reality is that nobody really cares about your identity.

A number of you have told me that you’re having problems commenting as a guest.

Commenting as a guest is a new feature from LiveFyre, and I want to show you how to do it easily.

Now, start commenting!

Instructions for Commenting as a Guest

Enter a display name, your e-mail address, a URL of your choice (optional), and then click “Next” READ MORE

New Logo, Suckas!

Floating to a business meeting somewhere in the nimbus.

There are a couple of issues with my site that have been bothering me.

  • It’s taking forever to load.
  • I never fully loved the guy floating.

The speed thing is being looked at.  Because my site has so much design (most blogs don’t), it’s tricky to keep the integrity of the graphics and also have the blog load at a decent clip.  Thanks for being patient, and we’ll get it fixed. READ MORE

ThoughtsFromParis Holiday Card 2011

Last December I wanted to do something special for you, my readers.

Many of you sent me your mailing addresses requesting one of my holiday cards.  I happily obliged, even though some of you live overseas and cost me $.98 per stamp!  Yep, that’s how much I love you.  Next time, move over here. READ MORE

I Need Your Help Choosing An Intro!

Since I’m doing a lot more videos this year, I decided to build a proper intro.  Because I’m insane, I decided to build two. These will be placed at the beginning of my vlogs (video blogs).

Watch below and then vote for your favorite one below that!  You will choose the awesomeness that will precede the awesomeness that is me. READ MORE

My Bed Gets Peed On (a lot)

Okay, fine, I'm not purr-fect. (Good one, D.J.!)

Last night I came home from four days away in Atlanta visiting the woman I’m seeing.

When I’m gone I usually take my dog to the groomer who watches her throughout the day and takes her home to his place.   She even sleeps in bed with him.

That leaves my cat. READ MORE

I Went To The South! (and came back to make fun of it)

I ate too much rich stuff and almost passed out.

I just got home after having spent four days in Atlanta visiting reader-turned-girlfriend Jessica.  She was nice enough to open her home to me, and I got a chance to meet her friends and spend time in her nook of the city.

A few things I noticed about being in Atlanta. READ MORE