You Deserve Full Candy Bars on Halloween

If you're dressing like this after age 25, ladies, please... stop. If you're under 25, please continue.

Once again I had no trick or treaters.

Here in the city living in a condo I guess that’s the way it goes. Well, now that I think about it, there’s no way for someone to get in the building anyway. Oh yeah. Forgot about that. Hmm… One sentence in and now I have nothing to talk about. READ MORE

I’m Worried About Something That Isn’t Worth Worrying About

The other option is to do one of those indoor morning boot camps where you get yelled at by former military drill instructors who were dishonorably discharged.

I’m a little worried these days.

This is going to sound like an insanely stupid problem, but here goes. I’ve been biking to work every day for over six months. Here in Chicago it’s getting close to hanging up the bike shorts (I have never worn bike shorts) for the season. Winter is coming. READ MORE

The Real Reason You Need 30k Twitter Followers

The tweet that inspired this post. Thank you JetElway!

If you have a blog you have a Twitter account.

Earlier this month I crossed over thirty thousand Twitter followers. I’ve learned quite a bit about Twitter, having followers, and what it all means for me. And even though I shamefully bought my first few thousand friends, I earned every subsequent one fair and square. Twitter has become my main source of blog traffic according to my analytics. READ MORE

Cat Pee Tarp Purchased

I went out today to buy a cat-pee tarp.

My cat Pantaloons has a problem with inappropriate elimination. I’ve written about it on this blog at least a dozen times. Over the years I’ve tried a number of solutions including rubbing Prozac in her ears. Every so often, no matter what, she pees on my comforter or clothes left on the ground. After a lot of research online I’ve determined that this is probably just a brain glitch that can’t be corrected. If I’m wrong and one day I find a solution, awesome. READ MORE

Let’s Leave The Condo On Sunday!

Look, I have an Asian friend! One!

I’m supposed to be at a Halloween party right now.

It’s being hosted by one of my favorite people, the lead singer of our band. There’s a few issues, however. One, he lives about sixty minutes away from where my place. Next, I don’t have a good costume. Third, I’m exhausted. READ MORE

I Discovered The Nature of God While Falling Asleep

2013 will be the Year of Teaching the Cat to Pee in the Toilet. I already have the victory celebration party venue picked out. Sadly, it will be at Olive Garden.

One of the best parts of drinking and drugs is those moments where, while inebriated, you finally “figure things out.”

Since I don’t drink or use drugs those moments come to me as I fall asleep. I’ll give you an example. Last night I was feeling some fear. No particular reason, but as I was drifting off I noticed I was scared about life in general. I was becoming less conscious by the moment, and the fear continued to intensify. This was kind of cool to notice, but also not fun. READ MORE

I Got Interviewed! (About Some Old Crap)

I feel that I've never seen a cameraman without flip-flops, long hair, and a dirty t-shirt. They have the most lenient dress code in the professional world.

This morning I received an interview request from the Chicago Tribune.

Since I’m always in search of external validation I was excited that someone felt it was important to talk with me. About me.

If you’re not familiar with Chicago, the Tribune is our flagship newspaper and one of the ten biggest in the country. The have real reporters and probably an  ombudsman. They’re the real deal. I announced at work that they sent me a message to interview me. Just the other day an obscene t-shirt manufacturer reached out to me asking to help promote their clothing line. They said to pick any t-shirt I wanted for free. I also had practically yelled this at work. Nobody was impressed. READ MORE

Let’s Talk About My Personal Life!

Normally I don’t write much about my personal life.

There are certain boundaries I set in my writing to maintain some semblance of privacy. I haven’t shared about the time I had triplets and sold them to the circus. I couldn’t believe you could still do that, by the way. In 2008, no less! Also, I never wrote about the time I got into a fistfight with my grandmother because she totally wasn’t being cool. Oh, and I felt the need to quiet that whole “keeping several mistresses” thing. Those gals are crazy! READ MORE