Paris-Ochial – These Are Sins? – Bloggers Are Weird Podcast

As a Protestant I didn’t understand what “sin” was until I attended a Catholic high school and they gave me a list.

To check out the podcast

Via  iTunes Zune or Blackberry store (just search) Via Android device – download your favorite podcast app and add the feed -> Visit the  

official Bloggers are Weird website READ MORE

I’m Writing This Post High on Caffeine – A Confession

This guy's doing it all wrong. But I respect his intensity and focus.

As many of you know I don’t drink, smoke, or use drugs.

About three years ago I even gave up caffeine. While never a coffee or soda drinker (we grew up saying “soft drinks” because “soda” was too low-class), I got hooked on energy drinks. I was engaged at the time and my fiance thought it was cute that I had this one vice. Harmless, right? READ MORE

Brand New Podcast Announcement – oSex With Karen and D.J.

I am proud to announce a new audio podcast currently being worked on. It’s time you got advice from two bozos named Karen and D.J. Here’s the bumper.

If you’d like to be on our show (either anonymously or by name) please complete the form below with your relationship or sex question and we’ll help you! READ MORE

My Ex-Wife Got Married (But I’m Pretty Sure Still Uses My Last Name)

In a ironic twist, my family is Spanish. 0% French.

This morning I was hit with something that I wasn’t expecting.

My ex-wife just got married. I was made aware of this because my veterinarian emailed my ex-wife who forwarded it to me. This is a little complicated. Explanation necessary, D.J.!

Christina and I divorced over two and half years ago. I still contact her every once in a while. We’re perfectly friendly and sometimes I need advice on pet stuff. She, too, is a vet. Well, my dog is due for a dental. This is a relatively routine procedure but when I called the animal hospital yesterday, the vet tech had expressed interest in giving her a catheter for anesthesia. My dog is very sensitive to shots and has become sick in the past for this kind of thing. My ex has instructed me to call her before any procedure to give the go-ahead. I’m glad she’s available as she’s a great doctor. READ MORE

That’s Cool Beans!

These are definitely cool beans.

Turns out my mom was wrong.

Sure, there are moments when my condo resembles a dishelved hobo riding the rails, but mostly it’s close to tidy. Note I said “tidy” and not “clean.” I never dust and rarely sweep. If I’m having someone over I run the Swiffer. It’s not really supposed to double as a vacuum, but, hey, close enough. READ MORE