When we last left D.J. he had just fallen through a glass table at a makeshift summer party at Adam’s grandparents’ condo. Blood was flowing freely from his fanny (again with the alliteration?) and he was waiting for the dopey ambulance EMTs to find the home. They had pulled into the wrong complex.
These are posts that will go in the blog, under the slider
Why My Friends Call Me The AssMan (aka Stitches and Poo) – Part I
I was terrified of women until I was twenty-one.
For some reason I knew I was the ugliest man to walk the face of the earth. Only Rocky Dennis had it worse than me. I’m not sure where this idea came from. I mean, stupid Lisa Gulick rejected me back in seventh grade and I think that I just extrapolated out to every woman. It’s just good science.
Six Weeks of No Shampoo – A Report
I’m going back to shampoo.
I gave this a real shot.
I’d been reading about the “no-poo” movement for months before I pulled the trigger. Replace all my shampoo with baking soda? Check! Apple cider vinegar as my new conditioner? Double check! I did it as instructed.
Just for Clarification Purposes – BandBackTogether BlogAThon
Originally posted at StarvingWriterAtLarge
I’ll warn you right now. You may not like the tone of this post. You may think I”m talking down or being condescending. I promise you, that’s not it at all. I’m just wanting to help people understand what having a mental illness is about. I hope it helps, at least, to make me seem a little more human, a little less scary, and that you’ll be willing to give me a chance.
That said I just want you to know that I am not-
I Called a Stranger – BandBackTogether BlogAThon
Originally posted on WhyILoveTheSemiColon
I called a stranger today. It’s not a completely unusual occurrence, at my job, to pick up the phone and call someone I’ve never spoken to before. I’m sure many people call strangers, many times a day. Nowadays, I think nothing of it, and that’s the strangest thing of all.
Anxiety? Depression?? Or a Bad-Day-Cluster? – BandBackTogether BlogAThon
Originally posted at GivenTake
After my spousal unit’s diagnosis with myeloma, it was data that kept our family sane. I addicted myself to the Myeloma Beacon website and their daily, newsy updates about breakthroughs and clinical trials. It was the right thing to do: myeloma is one of only a few diseases where successful trials lead rapidly to change in treatment protocols. I actually said to my spouse the other day, “If only you were diagnosed YESTERDAY instead of WAY BACK IN AUGUST.â€
A Day Spent in your Bed Isn’t Always a Bad Thing – BandBackTogether BlogAThon
Originally posted at OldDogNewTits
Today was a weird day. My mother-in-law’s services were yesterday and I found myself trying to play second-tier hostess (my husband and his siblings being first, of course) to so many people. Many of whom I’ve never met before … or thought I hadn’t until they awkwardly reminded me of our first meeting.
What is NAMI? – BandBackTogether BlogAThon
The Absurdity of Panic Attacks – BandBackTogether BlogAThon
Originally posted at AdorableChaos
There is so much to fear in this world, if you choose to pay attention. I try not to pay attention. I focus on all the happy things in the world, like cupcakes and puppies and long baths with lavender salts.
There are days when it doesn’t work. I’m cruising through a day, bright and shiny when anxiety stops me in my happy little tracks.