100k Twitter Followers and Caffeine Addiction

I crossed over 100k Twitter followers today.

Yes, it’s a not-so-subtle brag. But, screw it.  I’m taking a victory lap.

The victory lap equates to a night of eating pizza until passout.

Before the carbs and fat sink my consciousness I’m going to attempt to eek out this post. READ MORE

I Am Lucky and Ashamed

When I left my home it was -1 degrees.

There’s nothing I own that is appropriate for negative temperatures. If I dug deep into my closet I could find a pair of long underwear. But then what? Put them on under my suit pants? I’d get to work where the temperature is a 72. Then I’d be hot for the day. READ MORE

I Don’t Know How to Soothe Myself

I can't believe I ate just a few of you. Moderation is weird.

What do you do to soothe yourself when you’re having a rough day?

I stared at my therapist blankly.

By 10am I had been having a “not feeling good” kind of morning. The cold and the sludge and no sun – it was affecting my well-being. I was bummed. Plus, I hadn’t slept enough the night before. Not in a good mood. READ MORE

I Was a Poopy McPooperstons Yesterday

I don't look this adorable and freaky when I'm bummed.

I have been in a foul mood all day.

(this was written last night, by the way)

When I woke up I felt my normal happy self. But soon, everything changed.

I had an early situation which warranted some anger. Basically a work thing popped up unexpectedly that had me thinking I was being attacked by a certain employee. I lost my cool but took five minutes to calm down before acting. I sent a polite but firm email and received a nasty one back. The coworker called me immediately after and we worked it out over the next fifteen minutes. I still had slight residual anger but I felt better. I have 100% confidence it will get resolved. READ MORE

I Sometimes Publish Crap – A Confession

Hey, at least when I publish crap, it's free!

Years ago I used to bother celebrities on Twitter and write about the interactions.

I called it CelebTweets. After a few posts went live a television producer contacted me with an idea. If I wrote fifty more of these she could pitch it to publishers and get a book made. READ MORE

Now That Extreme Home Makeover is Canceled, I Never Cry Anymore

Yeah, I can't wait to have children and get to deal with this.

I almost never cry.

It’s not intentional. There are plenty of men who don’t cry. Guys think that tears might reduce their machismo to the level of an eleven year old girl finding out that their favorite singer in One Direction is a smack abuser. Hmm, maybe shouldn’t have made such a non-masculine reference. READ MORE

I’m Going Off Caffeine After Abusing the Sh*t Out of it

Well, at least I was never this guy

I’m going off caffeine.

For most of my life I wouldn’t let caffeine into my system. I decided at eighteen that it was a terrible chemical to introduce to one’s system and never let it pass my lips. In that same year I became an evangelist against milk and swore off the white. I had read a book which said both were evil and would be the downfall of health. You have to remember that this was before the internet and anything I read in a book was gospel. I fell for pretty much every new-age fad including chakra healing, food combining, subliminal positive messages, and neuro-linguistic programming. I studied hypnosis and moved my furniture around so my bed was in alignment with the earth’s polarity. I bought a juicer and had nothing but freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast. Today we call that an unbalanced breakfast (and probably the onset of a candida fungus). Back then it was the healthiest thing you could do. READ MORE

ThoughtsFromParis Android App is Now Live!

ThoughtsFromParis App

I was going to wait until both versions went live, but screw it.

I’m very proud to announce that the official ThoughtsFromParis app is now available for free in Google Play. You can download it here!  If you’re an iPhone or iPad user, it will be live by next Tuesday in the Apple App Store. For now, though, Android users can start right away. READ MORE

Proud to be a Man of BlogHer

As I drove home from night two of BlogHer I started to cry.

I was lucky this year. BlogHer, the largest blogging conference in the country, was hosted in my hometown of Chicago. This meant easy travel from my condo to the conference. Actually, it was kind of a hassle. Sure I saved some dough by not having to spring for a hotel, but I was traveling back and forth at least once a day. Each time I parked it was $36. I had to go home to let the dog out. READ MORE