Promote Your Blog on My Blog Right Now – Take V

Wil Wheaton Clown
Look, everyone! Gordy's a clown!

It’s time yet again.

You know the people that pay to be my advertisers? Today we collectively shove our middle fingers up their right nostrils!

I had to choose a nostril to end that last sentence, and “right” was definitely the correct nostril. If I would have chosen “left” you could have called my sanity into question. I know this doesn’t make sense but you are silently nodding your head.

Let’s all promote each other’s crap! Today and for the next twenty-four hours I’m going to let you pimp your blogs. And if you don’t have a blog, then pimp someone else’s that you read. You do this via the comments.


I always make you do something for it. SOMETHING INCREDIBLE.

Yes, get ready for greatness! You are about to engage something never done before in your life. You’re going to answer this damned question.

My friends would be shocked to know I ___________.

That, my friends, is the cost of admission. You must put this in your comment or else I get all delete-sy on you.

The other thing you must do is click a link on an advertiser link on the right. They pay good money to be there, and remember, they’re the reason this site can keep going. Find a blog over there that makes you feel all tingly from the description and make a click. Then make your way to the medicine cabinet and hit the heart medicine. You shouldn’t be feeling tingly reading a sentence about a blog.

So, to reiterate…

  1. When you click to comment, tell us what is shocking about you.
  2. Put a link to your blog and tell us what it’s about. (I refuse to allow promotion of blogs that discuss hyena poaching. That shit is intolerable, yo. Other poaching is fine.)
  3. Click one of the advertiser links over yonder ——–>

I’m going to go first.

My friends would be shocked to know I spend approximately an hour each week dancing in my bathroom with the lights off and the door closed.

I wish this weren’t true. But it is.

And now it’s your turn.

As always, to end this post here’s a photo of Wil Wheaton for no  discernible  reason.

Wil Wheaton Clown
Look, everyone! Gordy’s a clown!

106 thoughts on “Promote Your Blog on My Blog Right Now – Take V”

  1. Mama Meerkat says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I sometimes avoid using big words that I can use appropriately because I can’t pronounce them properly to save my life.

    I blog about special needs parenting, knitting, and gluten free/multiple food allergy baking over at

    And now I’m off to click things!

    1. Terry says:


    2. Chris Desatoff says:

      try scrolling ALL the way down…the sidebar stuff often gets pushed to the bottom on iPads

  2. Tom B. Taker says:

    I’ve seen these go Promote Your Blog posts go by before, but I’ve always been too chicken. Not this time!

    My friends would be shocked to know that I’ve personally defeated three different forms of birth control, namely The Pill, tubal ligation and the IUD. And a big shout out to my son, the gerbil!

    My blog is called Shouts From The Abyss. It is where I, your humble Guru of Negativity, holds court. It features a Demotivational Dictionary, Tombstone Authoring, my bucket list, and much, much more. Now how much would you pay?

    I paid the price of admission by clicking the “LogoSchmogo” link. So there.

  3. Tamara says:

    my friends would be shocked to know that at heart I am a shy wallflower. Of course,they have trouble with this because I never shut up. But what do they know! I write a blog about my faith in God and my daily struggle to keep my eyes on Him. I’m just a regular middle aged woman who likes to ramble and share what inspires me. You can find me at

    thanks Paris!

  4. Trixie Fox says:

    My friends would be shocked if they knew that my husband and I split up months ago but still live together. My blog is a novella-ish moblog, come and see…

    1. Trixie Fox says:

      I wrote a better comment two down…

  5. Katie says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I once sleep walked (in my underwear) in to my Mum’s room and declared: ‘It’s jiggling in the cupboard.’
    Nope, I have no idea either. I blog about losing weight, recipes that I make up and gener

  6. Julie DeNeen says:

    MY blog is Awesomesauce…right DJ? 🙂 Though I have yet to see a comment from you on it. Hehe. Can’t help myself. Have to take a moment to poke at you. Life According to Julie

  7. Trixie Fox says:

    My friends would be shocked that my husband and I split up months ago but still live together. My blog is a novella-ish moblog, come and see…

  8. Erin Margolin says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I have had ass surgery. Twice. It was humiliating and painful and all because of some stupid meds I had to take while we were desperately trying to get pregnant during in vitro. The meds gave me chronic, frequent runs, and I developed a rectal fissure (a giant, deep tear in my colon). It had to be surgically repaired. TWICE.

    Please check out my blog: The Gay Dad Project. I have two partners working on it with me. We’re trying to raise money to make a documentary about growing up with gay dads. We need all kinds of help and we’re working out buns off to make this happen.

    erin margolin

  9. Amiyrah says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I love wigs. Like really, really do. And i’ve been known to wear them to bed. Just saying.

    My blog is called 4 Hats and Frugal. One girl. 4 Hats. No money. Infinite possibilities.

  10. Emily says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I sing at the top of my lungs when I drive around town. My blog is awesome (am I allowed to be a little cocky?) – iI write about the adventures in raising three boys and one girl dog. I try to be as funny and snarky as possible. Here’s my link: Going to click on one of your advertisers right now. Thanks for doing this — fun stuff!

    1. Dyanne @ I Want Backsies says:

      I do that, too! When people see me doing this, say, at a stop light, I imagine them thinking I must be really, really good, the way I’m obviously belting it out. Thankfully, they cannot hear me from their cars.

  11. Arielle says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I sing “You Are My Sunshine” to my cat every night…Actually …probably not. and it’s a blog about me not being a mommy and trying to learn enough life skills to be able to take care of a human baby one day…after I’m recovered from my hangover.

  12. Stacey says:

    My friends would be shocked to know….nothing, because they’re all a bunch of insane degenerates and usually the reason I’ve done anything shocking in the first place.

    That totally counts as an answer, right?

  13. Banana Stickers says:

    I’m sort of an odd person in real life. Not creepy odd, but strange enough to raise some eyebrows from time to time when I really let it out, therefore, I hold back a bit around my pals. I suppose they would be (slightly) shocked if they knew just how weird it really is inside my head.
    Also, I can dance quite well. I am what most would consider a “metal head”, so this would come as quite a surprise to most of the folks that know me in real life.

    So yeah… oh, here’s my thing: . I swear a lot on there.

    1. Banana Stickers says:

      Also, I’ve never seen The Notebook.
      Wow, that felt so good to get that off my chest.

  14. Tricia O. says:

    Alright, I thought of two.

    As a child, I was extremely shy. Sometimes I still battle social anxiety. No one believes me when I say that because I’m usually wide-ass open.

    The other one is that when I was a teen I was in the Young Republicans. Don’t tell anyone. I’m so ashamed.

  15. Shayna Gehl says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I in spite of my super healthy lifestyle, I am a complete dessertaholic. I know that’s not very badass but there you have it.
    My blog is The Disheveled Parent (regularly featured on The Daily National) at: Aside from pimping my blog here, I am also in the process of pimping it with a designer and sketch artist too! So I am pimpin it up this month! Come check out the madness of parenting in NYC!

  16. Rachel Harper says:

    My friend’s would be shocked to know that I thought I lost my virginity at age12 because I was skating and fell on my skate blade cutting my vagina. Lucky for me I was a homely, mullet wearing, sweat pant loving tomboy who didn’t develop boobs until I was 19 so losing my virginity to a skate blade was the least of my worries.

    I blog about being a ridiculous excuse for a human being, do athletic gear reviews for big girls like me, try my hand at pinterest while blogging recipes, and judge my self worth on how many followers I have on twitter.

    Check me out now that I have 36Ds:

    1. Kate Hall says:

      Hey, that’s how I judge my self-worth too! Twinsies!

  17. Kelly says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I’ve seen all but five episodes of Castle.
    I blog about TV and all of my TV loves (Parks and Rec, Bones, Alias, HIMYM, etc). I wax poetic about Victor Garber on a regular basis. Join the fun!

    And now I’m off to go get “In My Head.” Sounds dangerous.

  18. Shosh M says:

    I was going to write something else, but my friends would be shocked to know that I chopped my hair off because my high school boyfriend has brain cancer and he’s scared to shave his whole head.

    I write for Girl Body Pride: the name says it all, although, it’s not just about bodies or even girls– it’s about learning how to not hate yourself and being able to open yourself up to the world.

  19. Kate Hall says:

    Crap, this is hard. I talk about all this stuff on my blog. Let’s see…I laugh EVERY time anyone says “crap in my pants”. That is so not shocking. Umm…I do gross stuff, but I talked about picking my nose on another one of these you did. I sing a lot of my actions. Boring. Ok, I looked at other comments for ideas. I think my friends would be shocked to know how terrified I am of using the phone. I HATE it. I avoid it as much as possible. I always feel responsible for the direction of the call, what we talk about, when the call ends, etc. This all started about the same time email started. So, I don’t call anyone, unless someone calls me, and I usually screen my calls, then I text or suggest we get together in person to chat. Hate the phone! Now I feel like a loser…all to promote my blog. – It’s a humor blog about life and crap. My claim to fame is that D.J. commented on my blog once.

    1. Dyanne @ I Want Backsies says:

      I am the SAME WAY about the telephone! I don’t even like calling my own mother! So if that makes you a loser, then I’m one, too.

      1. Kate Hall says:

        I don’t mind calling my mother – she’s the only one, besides my husband – but, I don’t call as often because my step-father always answers the phone and that’s pretty awkward. But we can still be on the same Loser Team. Goooo Losers! Nanny-nanny-boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo! The telephone sucks!

        1. Dyanne @ I Want Backsies says:

          Sistahs! I would totally call you and tell you how exciting that is, but, well, you know.

          1. Kate Hall says:

            Thank you. You were making me nervous for a second.

  20. Candy Olivares says:

    Genius idea!

    My friends would be shocked to know that I’m seriously considering having the lap band surgery. I’m tired of being a fatty and for some reason countless hours of running and excercise just doesn’t work for me..

    Check out my blog:
    Candypolooza- it’s a party baby! LOL and the name makes me laugh. It came to me in a dream- True Story!

    I blog about being an Army wife, my family and anything else I want to blog about. It’s my blog- my space- bam! LOL

    This was therapeutic. Thanks DJ! Off to do my due diligence and click on some sponsor links!

    Your Welcome!

  21. Stowed Stuff says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I have climbed Ayer’s Rock, snorkeled on the Great Barrier Reef and went skydiving in wine country, all while supposedly “student teaching” in Australia. It didn’t suck. Not one bit.

    I’m a social media addict blogging away at I’m an over-sharer. It’s all there.

    I love a frozen margarita on the rocks with salt and every time I eat popcorn or lobster, I think of my Dad.

  22. Jen says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I had a serious problem with alcohol last year – but I hid how serious it really was from everyone.

    My blog is about my newfound healthy lifestyle and training my for my first Ironman Triathlon and all the stuff in between.

  23. Robin Kalinich says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I am judging them most of the time.

    My blog is about art and writing. Here’s the official bio: Artist, writer, chemist, and madly in love with her muse, Robin Kalinich works for the man, but her true passions lie in the creative realm. In her spare time, she leads Ink & Alchemy, an organization focused on inspiring, encouraging, and transforming creative people via networking and social media. Robin has published scientific papers, short stories, and poetry. She is an aspiring novelist and an artist.

  24. nothingbythebook says:

    My friends would be shocked that I spent Friday night on your blog. Worse, blog hopping. Worse, enjoying it.

    I blog at about “unLessons in expert-free parenting.” Really, about snot, video games, with a cameo by the occasional unicorn or dinosaur.

    I clicked on Text the Romance back link as my price of admission because I’m a wicked texter. And suddenly, I see a new career path opening before me…

  25. Ericamos says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Twilight series.
    I blog about the quirkier side of my life at
    I recently became engaged, so if you’re one of those that love watching unique engagement videos, go see my latest entry.

    1. Kate Hall says:

      Yes. It was beautiful. Watch it! I cried. Twice.

  26. NotSoSuperMom says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I pick my nose. For real. Usually when I’m alone in the car.

    Here I am, in all my not-so-super, booger-free glory,
    A not-so-prolific blog about whatever I feel like, regarding my not-so-super and totally self-deprecating parenting.
    And now on twitter


  27. Debbie says:

    My friends would be shocked to know what a difficult and unhappy childhood I had. (No matter; it made me the strong person I am today.)

    Thanks for this opportunity! Really appreciate it and I may even click on more than one item. 🙂

    My blog, , is an eclectic mishmash of musings, memoirs, music, travel posts, dog posts, photos and anything else that strikes my fancy.
    Still in the hobby stages, but hope to turn pro in the not too distant future.

    Happy New Year!

  28. Pam Schmidt says:

    My blog, talks about my thoughts, stories, kid quotes, and tips for parents, related to over 25 yrs. as a Kindergarten teacher. I am STILL teaching, and the stories keep comin’.
    Now I’ll check when I submit to see if this link is live.

    I’ll confess to 2 things, how’s that?!
    1) even though I appear “Sweet As Apple Pie”, friends and parents of my students would be shocked to know that I can cuss like a sailor. And I do that daily, mumbling it under my breath while in the classroom.
    2) Most friends would be shocked to know that I sing quite well. I have done some studio work on albums and radio jingles. But that was long ago, and somewhere else in the state. So THESE friends don’t know that about me, because I keep my singing to myself.

  29. Terrye says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I once seriously thought about becoming a nun, but then I kissed a girl and I liked it (that’s a double whamming).

    I blog about all the random crap that floats around in my head, or ticks me off, or amuses me, or just plain old random crap. But with my own off the wall sense of humor. And some people say I’m funny, but they need medication.

    1. Kate Hall says:

      A nun!!! Instead, they would have been singing, “How do you solve a problem like TERRYE!”

      1. Terrye says:

        LOL Kate! 🙂 I avoid singing, it’s against my religion. 😀

  30. bill says:

    My friends would be shocked that i am afraid of spiders. They just creep me out.

    Blogging spider free at
    I will click your things now!


  31. Jess Stilwell says:

    Where do I start? My friends would be shocked to know I am a Pastors kid. Yup..we are always the worst. And my boobs are fake. No, wait that wouldn’t surprise anyone because I make sure everyone knows it and cops a feel if they want. They are fantastic. Just ask first.

    I started my blog about a funny mommy strike I went on…it went, well viral.
    Now that some of the media has died down I write about my parenting techniques or lack thereof and my less than normal perceptions of life. I write the shit that other people are just thinking about anyway.I just say it with my outside voice.
    Funny is that I actually get paid by the government to teach people how to parent. Ironic eh?
    Have a read and laugh with me, or at me. Meh…either is fine.

  32. Daughter of Maat says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I’m completely obsessed with my car, which is really old and beat up, but I wouldn’t trade it for any amount of money in the world. They’d probably also be shocked to know that I’m a huge Star Trek and Dr. Who geek lol

    My blog is and is called Mommy Writings By Daughter of Maat. Its about my life as a WAHM starting a freelance writing business. I hope to offer advice to other WAHMs who maybe thinking of starting a business

  33. Julie says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I am a closet nose picker.

    My blog is It i about the hilarity that ensues when you raise two babies while drinking a fair amount of beer.

  34. Shannon says:

    Hmmm there’s a lot that would surprise my friends now. I am quite the quiet mom of 2 who married a cowboy but back in the day was a total goth and my boyfriend was a drummer in a local punk band that often played to stoner crowds. I also pee in the shower. Ha!

    My blog is brand spankin new and will be about my trip to Germany as we will be stationed there later this year. “American girl in Germany not knowing what the fuck is going on” should really be the title….but instead…

  35. Kiran says:

    1) you would be shocked to know that this little indian girl plays a mean guitar and has written over 20+ rock songs which she has recorded or sold. Although I look like I will sound mousy, I sound more like a chain smoking version of Melissa Etheridge, which is kind of scary, but works.

    2) Masala Chica – Hmmm. Masala Chica is written by an Indian American woman and provides hilarious (Yes, I bring the funny) and touching (also, have some tissues) memoirs of growing up as a first generation immigrant in the United States. The blog covers social issues as well with a very strong emphasis on highlighting the need for global equality for all citizens. You will most likely not find any blogs about Justin Bieber or One Direction here. Just in case you were wondering.

    I am going to click on “Life According to Julie” – that is where my fingers are taking me right now.

  36. Angela says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I was almost reliant on a Rascal
    Scooter at age 25.

    I have a muscle disorder (also pretty secretive). At age 25, I was working 70-100 hours a week at a high pressure job and could barely walk. My insurance wouldn’t cover a motorized wheelchair, but it would cover a scooter. Thankfully, I left that job & got healthier.

    Cut to November 2012, when I celebrated 2 years of owning my own successful career coaching company DEFINING SUCCESS COACHING, working an average of 35 hours a week, and I ran my first 5K. Take that Rascal Scooter!

    My blog is geared toward creative people & includes posts on motivation, facing your fear & reaching your goals as well as advertising & design-specific content. I hope you’ll check it out!

  37. MangoChutney says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I like weird smells, as long as I find them, I don’t like them being introduced to me. I also love to pick at stuff, pimples, scabs and my nails. My poor daughter is beginning to take up my bad habit of picking.
    I blog at about my endless Groundhog Day episodes, raising a family, being a wife with all things sarcastic.

  38. Sharona Zee says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I once hitchhiked from NYC to Austin!

    My blog tagline is “rebooting after 50”, and talks about life as an antiquated bachelorette.

  39. Dyanne @ I Want Backsies says:

    I’m having trouble thinking of anything my friends would be shocked about, since I seriously overshare in my blog. Hmmm, okay, I think my friends would be shocked to find out I love the smell of diesel fuel exhaust. They’d probably be even more shocked if they knew why….

    My blog is I write about dealing with my diagnosis of breast cancer and its aftermath. There is very little seriousness here, as my theory is it’s better to laugh than to cry.

    My claim to fame is that I once got DJ to Google “flash your boobies” on Google images and see the picture of me that comes up in the #3 slot. And I’m not flashing them, nor have I ever used those words in a blog entry, except to say my picture is #3 if you Google “flash your boobies” which was a disappointment to him, I’m sure….

  40. Kristi - Finding Ninee says:

    Holyhell. My friends would be shocked by a lot. Not much that I can say here, though…so…ummm… umm….
    My friends would be shocked to know that sometimes, I wish my kid was normal…ok, maybe not a secret…My friends would be shocked to know that I sneak cigarets, late at night when nobody is looking. Yup, I go to the gym, I run and I bike. But I fucking love a Marlboro Red every now and again. Sucks ass, I know…STUPID, I know…but I do…

    My blog is where I try really hard to find humor, support and resources for my son with developmental delays of “The Middle World,” one where the spectrum exists, but an autism diagnosis does not.

    And dude, Paris, dude. You’re hot. Thanks for doing this bloggie thingie. Seriously, you’re yum.

  41. LM Steel says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that if my partners in bathroom busy and I can’t hold it, i go pee in our garden (only if it’s dark enough that the neightbours cant see)

  42. LM Steel says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that if my partners in bathroom busy and I can’t hold it, i go pee in our garden (only if it’s dark enough that the neightbours cant see)
    My Blog is:

  43. Léo Silveira says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I am a blogger and I have no boss, no schedule, no vacation.

    My Blog is and comes on CorelDraw and Designer in general and many netizens to help orient themselves and aprederem using the program.

    Have you clicked the ads, I hope that you render much fruit.

    Congratulations on your initiative.

  44. Michele says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I am a neat freak. I try to hide it because not everyone is a neat as me. Even if something out of place at their house is driving me up the wall, I won’t say or do anything.

    My blog is called The Review Chic. I do reviews of natural hair care products and more.

  45. E. June says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I cry during cheesy sports montages that show things like slow motion slam dunks to songs like “Man in Motion.”

    I am a mom of 3 who blogs about German hookers, roller disco, slipper injuries, and other issues related to motherhood.

  46. E. June says:

    My blog is Mommy Klatch, at

  47. Pressies by Pebbles says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I’m not as confident as I seem and I do turn down socialising sometimes if I’m feeling particularly “low”.

    I’m an insomniac who spends my time blogging, crafting and dreaming. I’m a mum to 2 and wife to 1! My website is

  48. Abbie Gale says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I can hula spectacularly, and even with poi balls swinging. There isn’t much for a Michigan girl to do in those long winters but take hula her whole childhood? I can use a blowtorch too but since I already mentioned I grew up in Michigan you probably deduced that.

    My blog wil hurt your eyes and hopefully make you laugh. Mostly it is our families audition to replace Bam Margeras family on Jacka$$.
    Abbie Gale at

  49. jawad zaib says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I am getting money online without doing more work than they do…

  50. Amy says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that my afternoon coffee is typically masking a shot of amaretto. They think I’m a goodie-goodie mama and health nut, just because I hang out with them. My blog is called Adorable Chaos at and is about embracing the mayhem of life as a writer, mom of three and learning through life (uschooling / natural learning). Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always honest. 🙂

  51. Bina says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I sometimes truly wonder whether I am in the Truman show… it’s probably called something else though. Some movies make me paranoid and I think my friends would be rather surprised to realize the extent of it.

    And my blog is

    It’s really a lot of me jabbering away at complete strangers. I’ve never thought to jabber about hyena poaching. Maybe I should. Would it be about hyenas poaching on my turf or me poaching hyenas?

  52. Cyndi says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I love to sniff new shower curtains. That’s right: I love the smell of new vinyl. Haha.
    Okay and my blog is:

    Thanks for the promo and of COURSE I read Julie’s blog I should probably come here more often. 🙂

  53. Deirdre Gage says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I once sold sex toys over the phone. For 2 days. Because some people are just too damn cheap to call a 900 number.

  54. Sam says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I like to go “commando”. I don’t know if it shocking really but its not the kind of thing I normally share with people, friends or otherwise.

    My blog is

    It is about living with a terminal disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), and how I fight to keep my reason to live, my sanity, and my sense of humor every day.

  55. Anthony Thomas says:

    So let me see if I am doing this right(sorry if its invalid because its the 5th and not the 4th)

    My friends would be shocked to find out that my relationship with my fiancee is an open one.

    That being said my blog is at

    it is a blog about the game development and game company creation I am working on. I occasionally also try to talk about the game industry in general and my perspective on some issues facing it from a development perspective.

  56. Jennifer says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I am a recovering alcoholic (my online friends, anyway, my friends back home know). I drank daily for 7 years and got sober at the age of 25.

    My blog is:
    It is a fairly new blog, but it’s just real-life conversations, rants, my point of view as a parent, experiences with my kids and others. Brutal honesty, no holds barred. I have a lot to talk about, so more will come. 🙂

  57. Chris Desatoff says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that…when I see them in public, I quickly turn and walk the other way, pretending not to see them and hoping that they didn’t see me. Yeah, I’ve done this more times than I can count. My old Pastor, Steve…the lead singer from my old band, Caleb…my current neighbor, what’s her name (she always smiles and says, “hi Chris”, but I forgot her name 5 minutes after meeting her – 2 years ago- and I’m too embarrassed to chat)…yeah, so. – “Men get anxiety attacks too. How do you work and support your family if you can’t even clock in?”

    I talk about being a man with anxiety disorder and how I’ve lost almost 30 jobs because of anxiety attacks. So now I’m trying to figure out how to make money outside the regular “day job” route.

    “Like” it if you like it!

    Thanks DJ! Can’t see your ads ATM (iphone), but will grope them when I get on my laptop tonight.


  58. Michelle says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I am afraid of thunder storms. I hate those things so much!

    My blog is about Fibromyalgia and you can find it at

    Thank you for letting me share and have a great weekend!

  59. Natalie D. Wilson says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I love Howard Stern and South Park.

    I am an independent author. My blog is about my books:
    I write the Children of Angels series. My husband describes them as action, adventure, mystery, romantic fantasy novels. I’m just getting started, but so far my readers love my books!

  60. MamaMarmalade says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that sometimes I still suck my thumb!

    My blog is:

    I’m an Australian living in London. i blog about living abroad with 4 kids, the funny side of parenting, weird shit that happens in my life and my nutella addiction.

  61. The Yank says:

    My friends would probably be shocked to know that I’m blogging about them. They haven’t been clever enough to figure out that all the gossip I tell them face-to-face is basically their own gossip with the names changed, so I figure I’m safe.

    That’s pretty much what my own blog is like – my business partner and I have a place to point out the absurdities of the service industry and tell all of the crazy secrets we’ve sworn not to tell. And we swear a lot:

    One of my blogging heroes is Coquette, so check her out, too:

    And I am totally clicking LogoSchmogo …. we design geniuses need to stick together!

  62. WilyGuy says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I watch Bob Ross…wait they know me.

    I’m going to pimp in this space. Guys who write all sorts of posts, DJ has posted with us before. Come on, take a look…every day is keepin’ your blog hand strong on Dude Write….

    Ladies, Dudette week is coming soon!

    1. Kate Hall says:

      Dudette week? Awesome!

  63. Tracy @ Momaical says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that had plastic surgery!

    Ok, now keep that nugget under your chapeau, ok?

    Here’s my blog for pimping: It’s a humorous look at trying not to raise a flock of assholes while simultaneously trying to find my cell phone, fit into my jeans and hide from the whining.

  64. Ben says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I have to work at being extroverted, as I’m a natural introvert.

  65. Tongue Sandwich says:

    My friends might be “shocked” to know that I often get all teary-eyed while watching romantic movies by myself. They’d also be shocked to know that I spent four years in the army (SSG MP) and loved every minute of it. Do I get extra points for revealing two issues?

    My blog can be found here:

    I write, among various other subject matters (serious and silly ones) about philosophy, psychology, history, as well as ancient and contemporary culture – but not about reality TV, golf, or knitting, so please stop asking. I might occasionally even write about the love of my life: Espresso. My voice is, more often than not, irreverent, verbose, provocative and opinionated. Some folks are none too pleased about that, but what can you do.

  66. FaceMeetsPalm says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I’m not interested in sex, despite how much of a pervert I am. I’m almost obsessed with all things sexy– but I don’t care enough to lose my virginity.

    My friends (online) would also be shocked to know that I’m the stereotypical fat basement dweller who lives with my mom and helps her with childcare.

    I will protect it with nerdiness.

    Also, my blog is full of short stories. It’s intended to help me overcome the hurdles I see in my own writing ability, and to prove to myself that I CAN handle before I inevitably break down and go insane, to run off into the night screaming about semicolons and ellipses.

  67. Steve K says:

    My friends would be shocked to know, I actually have friends. I’m a tad bit antisocial lately.

    I’d like to pimp my latest blog which hasn’t been officially “released yet” It’s The (not so) Handyman, a blog where I convey real life stories about how I screw up home improvement tasks on a regular basis, yet can’t force myself to stop trying.

  68. carolyn given says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I have NOT removed the post entitled The Great Evacuation, about my misadventure with Atkins and the resulting spontaneous … trail of sadness. While my daughter’s head was resting on my hip. My brother is not speaking to me until I remove it. The owner of Mount Wachusett begged me to take it down.

    You can read it here

    or scroll around on my site at
    until you find it. xo I am off to write about thoughtsbyparis and drop links like bats on Atkins all today’s post. xo cg

  69. carolyn given says:

    correction: . . . all OVER today’s post . . .
    sorry… (friends shocked to learn I don’t edit before hitting ‘submit’) 🙁

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  71. Caren Glasser says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that I am a bit of a hermit. On most days I would rather stay home…..alone. 🙂
    Check out my blog on It’s a collaborative blog that leverages the power of a network to get more visibility.

  72. Katie McArthy says:

    My friends would be shocked to know I see the crew from the Star Wars bar with my eyes closed while I’m getting acupuncture. Which is the sort of twisted vision that fills my blog
    For slightly skewed looks at true, every day happenings.

  73. Renée Camus says:

    How cool this is. Thanks for doing this, DJ. And those are the kinds of advertisements I’d prefer to see. Clicked on Awkwardly Alive, cause sounds like my kinda life.

    Different friends know different things about me, but probably most of them, many of whom took steps to be sure they never procreate, would be shocked to know that my husband and I tried very hard to get pregnant, to the point of doing IFV 3 times.

    My blog has nothing to do with that (not yet anyway), and is about geek and pop culture, as well as stereotypes and perceptions of what all that means. Take a look at

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  76. Lori says:

    My friends would be shocked to know that they aren’t the ONLY people I shock. I’m shocking to complete strangers too.

    My Blog? It’s like a car crash, only worse. Or a horrible movie that you can’t stop watching. Or listening to a person wearing a Corduroy Suit walk through a library. Does this help at all?

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