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Planning Next Weekend – Let’s Get Fixed

Last Sunday a bunch of us committed to being more grateful for what we have.

Time to check in to see how badly you failed! Or succeeded. Whatever.

And we’re going to set a new goal – so if you’re new to the site, get ready to become more awesome.

You’d have to touch them at least once if it was your cat. Don’t pretend you wouldn’t.

How Let’s Get Fixed Works

  1. There is a theme each week where you can join in the crusade to not suck so hard.
  2. In the comment section declare what you will accomplish this week.
  3. In seven days I’ll write a follow up post and you can check in. Succeed and you’ll receive a virtual make-out session from me.
  4. If you fail, well, you’re just human and everyone makes mistakes. Just kidding – we’ll goof on you. Hard.

Last Week Goal Check-In

I vowed to get on my knees each morning and be grateful for what I already had in my life. Now, I’m not a particularly religious fellow, so I was mostly thanking the people and things that have fallen my way. My parents’ unwavering support, my girlfriend who puts up with a lot of my incivility, and the boss who is pretty damned good to me. Also, my friends who make sure I don’t feel alone in the world. I am thankful that I can pay the bills and put food in my gullet. My dog and cat made the list, too, and so did my collection of Hustler  from 1998.

Seriously, I don’t read Hustler. Have you ever seen it? It’s beyond gross. And I didn’t think you could get gross with nudity. But you can.

HOWEVER – I didn’t do this every day. I simply forgot a few days. So, I’m going to rate this one a draw.

This Week’s Goal –  Planning Next Weekend

Looking back on the summer there were many missed opportunities to go out and have fun. Now, most of my friends are married, and many have children. My phone is not exactly ringing off the hook. However, because I work so intensely during the week and come home and write, I often neglect to plan for the weekend.

Today is a good example. Had I looked for a few minutes online at the activities going on this weekend, I would have planned something to do other than go get the car washed and shop at the grocery. I live in Chicago, for Pete’s sake. There’s tons of activities every single day.

I’m not judging myself harshly here – I have no problem relaxing. But being cooped up in the condo all weekend just isn’t healthy.

There are two parts for me to have a full social life. First are activities with others. Yes my dog and cat are lovely, but they don’t exactly take the place of human interaction. For one they sleep eighteen hours a day. Two, they let me win every argument. It’s not exactly a challenging relationship. I need to be around real people doing something fun.

The next piece is a “just for D.J.” experience. Maybe a walk through the dog park. Or a trip to the movie theater. How about a road trip to some tiny hick town where I can feel like a big shot? Whatever I choose I need to have a new experience alone. This is part of taking care of myself.

So… to sum up.

I will schedule a group activity (at least with one friend) and a solo activity for next weekend before next weekend.

It’s Your Turn

This may be a tough one for you parents. If you have children you’re probably not often hitting the late night Bijou or dancing away at the local speakeasy. But, what if you planned one activity with your family? Something unique – you don’t have to leave the house. Do something with other people – friends, family, whatever. For you single people, go online and find something in your area that seems cool and call a buddy.

Next, do something just for you. Could be anything. Meditate in your backyard koi pond. Go see a local band. Head to a restaurant for a table of one. Kill a drifter. Whatever.

Tip – Try to have the activities (others/self) planned by Wednesday. Tweet me when you have yours or write it on my Facebook page. I know this sounds lame, but knowing that you’re doing stuff will encourage me to do stuff. Let’s do stuff!

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