I Just Responded to 200 Blog Comments

bath salts
Yes, these will do.

The last four hours have been a blur.

In my effort to show appreciation for everyone that comments, I have committed to responding to each in 2014. The process is a lot of fun and often what you write is funnier and more poignant than what’s in my post. I started tonight by responding to fresh comments from the past few days. Then I went back in time.

I found a ton of comments that had never been replied to over the years.

For fun I decided to pick posts at random.

I thought it would be hilarious to respond to readers from 2010-2012. My system is set up to send an email to the comment author immediately after I reply. Therefore two hundred emails went out from post comments that were several years old. I’m sure many of the people no longer read my blog and probably didn’t know what to make of the notification.

Can you imagine how you’d react if two years after writing a blog comment you got a response?

First you wouldn’t remember the post or maybe even the blog. Then you’d click the link to see what this was all about and the post might spark a faint memory. You’d see your words in the comment section but not remember writing them. You would then notice my reply underneath with today’s date. Next you might spend a few moments wondering about the mental well-being of an blogger going back this far to write his readers.

Let me tell you – replying to two hundred comments is not an easy task. I attempted to conjure up a decent retort to each response. So essentially I spent four hours writing jokes tonight. I’m exhausted.

I also found emails (some over a year old) where people had written in and never received a response. I responded.

There are still several thousand comments with no replies. I’m not sure if I can ever fully empty that inbox. But I’ll try. It’s fun to go back and read what people responded toe. For example – I missed this the first time around but somebody attacked me this fall when I called myself a professional blogger. I was simply referring to that I make some dough from my site. Anyway, this reader got offended and wrote a nasty comment about how I wasn’t successful at writing.

One of you came to my aid and ripped this person apart. It was awesome. I had completely missed the exchange the first time around.

In going back I found people that had been commenting frequently and then disappeared. Did they get fed up with never receiving a reply? Did they stop enjoying my posts? Did they plumb forget about me? Maybe they just stopped reading blogs in general?

Bloggers have a special relationship with their commenters. It’s a shared intimacy and develops over time. I’m sad that some people have stopped commenting and  I find myself missing them. Then again, there are newer people who are writing in and I’m excited for that, too.

Okay, my fingers are woozy. Time to go soak them in a bowl of that stuff old people bathe in.

bath salts
Yes, these will do.

photo credit: dirtygirlsuds via photopin cc

30 thoughts on “I Just Responded to 200 Blog Comments”

  1. Karma Girl says:

    As thanks for replying to all my inane posts, I’ve decided to give something back. Here’s a massage joke for you. No need to reply. Just sit back and enjoy the funny! Or as funny as a cut and paste job can get.

    In a long line of people waiting for a bank teller, one guy suddenly started massaging the back of the person in front of him.Surprised, the man in front turned and snarled, “Just what the hell you are doing?!”
    “Well,” said the guy, “you see, I’m a chiropractor and I could see that you were tense, so I had to massage your back. Sometimes I just can’t help practicing my art!”
    “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!” the guy replied. “I work for the IRS. Do you see me screwing the guy in front of me?”

    source: http://www.jokebuddha.com/Massage#ixzz2r2NS12Ic

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      You’re welcome. The joke… hmm…. eh…. um….

      Kidding. Thanks!

    2. 7113952.com says:

      Wielkie towary z tobą, mężczyzna. Jak dopasować biustonosz â € "najbardziej powszechnych błędów, mam rozumieć swoje rzeczy poprzedzającego i jesteś po prostu bardzo wspaniały. Bardzo mi się podoba, co już zdobyte tutaj, z pewnością podoba się to co mówisz, i sposób, w jaki to robisz. Zrobisz to zabawne i nadal dbać o utrzymanie to rozsądne. Nie mogę się doczekać aby przeczytać o wiele więcej od ciebie. To jest naprawdę wielki, jak dopasować biustonosz â € "Najczęstsze błędy Informations.

  2. Sarah (est. 1975) says:

    “Time to go soak them in a bowl of that stuff old people bathe in.”

    Their own stench?

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      Congrats – you just won the the best comment of the day.

      1. Sarah (est. 1975) says:

        *runs victory lap*

        *around bed*

        *just kidding I don’t run*

  3. AlwaysARedhead says:

    Your web site display is messing with me again, and just for the hell of it, I brought it up on my smartphone at the same time but was shown your parent directory. Reminded me of the good ole days of DOS.

    It is great seeing replies to comments, I believe if someone takes the time to comment then you should respond. Some say it is a time factor, well if you have time to write the blog, make time for the comments too. Else you start losing your readers. Then again, maybe it’s an age thing with me, it was the way I was brought up. You are very right when you say sometimes the comments are funnier than the blog post, so I make sure I go over them too.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      Yeah, I’m lucky that I don’t get too many responses yet. At some point it just won’t be possible. But for now, it only takes a minute per, and people appreciate it!

  4. Beth Somers says:

    Responses to comments. They’re the thank you notes of blogging.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      Well said – speaking of, I own you parents one. The one I had written was thrown away!

  5. Nick says:

    Good blog! I feel the same sometimes too.

    I’ll be coming back here, as I want to see what else you write about.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      Thanks Nick – mostly it’s just dick jokes. But thanks for reading!

  6. Casi says:

    Somehow, those don’t look like the ones that old people bathe in. I thought those were white and had the boring name of “Epsom salts.”

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      I know – it’s probably the bath salts people crush up and snort. Which is also hilariuos.

  7. Peggy Barnes says:

    Way to go! I know you will get many of those blog readers back because you took the time to respond. How was it looking back at some of your old blog posts?

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      Oh, I never read my old stuff. I probably should. I just went into the comments. Ha.

  8. Dawn says:

    It was a pleasant surprise to open my e-mail and find a response to a comment I made a few months back. So, there’s that to make you smile, maybe. Or, maybe not. It’s also possible the extra work wasn’t worth encouraging stalkers. That’s for you to decide….

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      Glad you appreciate it! Oh, I already have a few stalkers – but I love the attention, so…

  9. DIane says:

    I am not the best at replying to comments either. I recently added a new plug in that emails the person when I do reply back to them, with a link back to the post, so hopefully My readers will return and we can continue the conversation. in 2014 I really hope to get better at replying to comments too!

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      What I’ve learned is that almost nobody continues the conversation. But then I don’t really expect them to – I think they do appreciate the replies, though!

  10. Michelle says:

    I am impressed. I just started my first website and I can’t even imagine trying to manage all that. I will take away though how important it is to respond to questions and do my very best. Like you said, overtime a relationship is built.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      Totally – just write and write often. The commenters will come!

      1. Michelle says:

        Totally? So how old were you during the valley girl era in California?
        I only comment because I say it too. Imbedded in us I guess. Part of your writer’s voice now. BTW, how on earth do you eat that much and stay thin? (Link to today’s post- above) You had to have hit the gym too- don’t leave that out.
        OH wait you did mention it- “it comes after four years of weekly therapy and a shit-ton of personal work I do on the side. But, the heavy lifting is paying off” Ha Ha. 🙂
        Thanks for the encouragement.

  11. Sophie Bowns says:

    200! Wow, I’m lucky if I get about 20 in a day. (I normally get about 200 views though) 🙂

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      20 in a day is awesome! Any number of comments is a plus in my mind. Speaking of, thanks for commenting!

  12. Katjaneway says:

    I totally know you’re talking about me. I dropped off the face of the planet – which we all know revolves around your blog – after I basically quit twitter. For a few weeks I had decided to up my following/followers to not just people I knew and a few funny peeps. I wanted a FOLLOWING. And realized that kind of sucked. Because of how twitter functions, I know can’t follow and properly have a conversation from the main screen and it became a hassle so I just quit. I’m only randomly reading your blog now when I decide to visit Bloglovin’. I do love that you answer all the comments though. Commitment FTW!

  13. Dorothyl says:

    Comments, comments and more comments. A few years back my daily routine allowed for a few hours and then some to spend on not only my website and blogs but also over 300 blogs of friends that I met via networking. Life tends to change without notice and ones time seems to disappear without consent, hence returning comments and replies becoming near impossible with only 24 hours in a day. Too be able to write 200 comments in a day is commendable especially 200 comments with meaning…again commendable.
    In saying that, off I go to yet another lucky blogger for my day~
    Have an awesome day~

  14. ignacio says:

    Hello! All you can do is laugh, and tell them to read the post. The truth is, if they didn’t take the time to read it the first time, they probably won t check back to see if you responded to their comment.

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  16. http://www./ says:

    Isn’t this the problem Les; professional people are indoctrinated for a longer period of time than the average wtp and of course if they have followed the company line they have ‘more to lose’.With ignorant, insecure and frightened people peer pressure also influences- we’s all want to belong, pretties, doesn’t we’s.Tony

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