I Just Started Reading Blogs Yesterday – A Confession

Horseback on Sand
I typed in "reading blogs" into the search of my image provider and this was the first result. I guess this is what reading blogs is all about. Horses and sand and shit.

Okay, this may sound strange but – I don’t read blogs.

I never did, actually.

I could not name one blogger when I started.  It never occurred to me to see what else was out there.  As my own website started picking up steam last fall I attended BlogWorld LA.  There I met many bloggers and had a fantastic time.

I still didn’t read any blogs.

The only exception was TheBloggess who I would  occasionally  skim.  She’s great, and I was an advertiser of hers.  I had also written Dooce back when I started, and she was nice enough to write back.  But that’s about it.

Last weekend I was in BlogHer.  Aside from having the President, Martha Stewart, and Katie Couric speak, I met close to a hundred bloggers.  At BlogHer a big emphasis is placed on “networking” but I really dislike that term.  Networking to me is about connecting with people to try to get something for yourself.  I didn’t find that was the attitude of any participants.  Instead it was about developing personal relationships with strangers by sharing your passion.  Just like BlogWorld, I came away with several people that I believe will become good long-term friends.

AimingLow.  Some of the funniest writers on the planet (although I’m only familiar with people who speak English, but let’s be honest, when was that last time a Laotian made you laugh?).  It was at the AimingLow party that I realized I was missing out.  These women (and only other man) are truly hilarious.

I now have over twenty blogs in Google Reader, and I’m really enjoying reading other people’s crap.  Maybe it’s because I now know these writers.

My friend, Linda, totally shamed me when she met me.

You NEVER read my blog.  I know it!  I read you every day!

She was right, and I felt like a pile of balls.  Mission accomplished, Linda!  I will forever read everything she writes.  Gwen from The Hartley Hooligans  has called me out, too.

Who else is awesome that I should be reading?  If you say yourself then we’ll know you’re either a wild narcissist or completely confident in your awesomeness abilities.  I’m both so I tell everyone to read me.

By the way – tip for all you bloggers. One of the best ways to get your stuff read is to comment on other people’s blogs.  Except if you just write jokes about  ethnicities.  I implore you to reconsider that strategy.

Horseback on Sand
I typed “reading blogs” into the search of my image provider and this was the first result. I guess this is what reading blogs is all about. Horses and sand and shit.

photo credit: mikebaird via photo pin cc

52 thoughts on “I Just Started Reading Blogs Yesterday – A Confession”

  1. Deb Z says:

    I didn’t even know what a blog was or that you’re supposed to read them all the time…until the past year.  Where have I been??!  Now I read a bunch.  Check out my list on http://www.onmyownnerves.com until the “I Stalk” tab.  Enjoying your blog!

  2. hollowtreeventures says:

    I don’t read blogs, either.  Well, just the first sentence of the post, and then I leave a comment because I heard that was a good way to get people to read my blog.

    1. PaigeKellerman says:

      Best comment ever..hahahahaha…you just made my day.

  3. jhansenwrites says:

    LOL…I read less than I think I should and more than I have time for. How’s that for a confession?

    1. AmberDusick says:

      jhansenwrites  yes this.  And I don’t even comment on blogs. I just go underneath someone else’s comment and say ‘yes this’. It totally works.  

      1. TRfromRL says:

        AmberDusick  aaahhhh….total fan…..crack…me…up.

  4. anusridharan says:

    I think we may be blog confession soulmates because August 11 was the day I had the same realization.  Well it started a bit earlier because I read books just fine, and then I read the book by TheBlogress and then I realized that I was probably missing out on some really good stuff.  But I’m blaming this phenomenon on my lack of internet because I’m in India and because most people are racist and think that India is totally backwards I can usually get away with it.  I guess you don’t live somewhere like…Laos.  Where you can get away with saying things like…if my internet didn’t take 20 minutes to load my Google Reader, I would TOTALLY be reading all of your blogs.  

  5. dadblunders says:

    I must be a rare exception then because i actually do read blogs and I read many many blogs! I may miss a day here or there but I usually will catch up on several at once when i don’t. I have to be a realist I am dad first and a blogger because of it. I have been told I am a darn funny blogger at that. I have a serious side but that stems from my social work background. I will advocate for promoting children first and fatherhood. Fathers are important and often overlooked so I will continue to promote men a social role that often gets overlooked by themselves (as fathers and parents)Aaron

  6. Samantha says:

    Reading blogs is definitely the best way to get people to read yours. Especially if you leave feedback. That’s great that you’ve added a bunch to your reader, though…there are some great ones out there! Have fun with your reading, I find it helps the writing process as well 🙂

  7. wilyguy says:

    I was going to start with “well, from one narcissist to myself…” but I know I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, bag of chips, original recipe but I like me. Now, if you aren’t reading Jen e sais quoi I think you’re missing the next Bloggess. I’m also a huge fan of Youngman Brown and Write, Rinse, Repeat. I’m not linking, so you should Eugoogley them. Unless, you don’t know how to Eugooglize.That said, it is challenging to read too many.WG

  8. Julie DeNeen says:

    Hah! This was funny. It took me four years of blogging before I realized that reading other people’s stuff was a good idea! Just like any other job, you have to know what is out there, what works, what you want to copy, what you don’t want to do!! LOL- Even when people comment, oftentimes I wonder if they’ve actually read it, but whatever- I’m such a blog whore, I’ll take any compliment I can get. Nice job on this post.

  9. Laura Brooke Smith says:

    Great post this is definitely something I need to make more time for. Thank you for sharing

  10. inthemomlight says:

    I also find reading other people’s blogs is good for inspiration.  Inspiration for a new topic or a topic in another direction… inspiration that someone has made it “blogging”… inspiration to write when you don’t feel like it.  Sorry, I’m feeling sappy today, must be post baby hormones.  Anyway, I read other blogs, but not all of the posts all of the time.  I still haven’t had the balls to read your stories about your “dad’s dick.”  I’m nervous to click on them…..

  11. Craziness Abounds says:

    I’m pretty sure everyone had already figured out you don’t read other peoples stuff, and yes we all felt sorry for you because you were losing out so much. I’m pretty much awesome. Ok to be completely fair you should read Paige Kellerman. She is funnier than   just about anyone I’ve found so far. Including myself and that’s a dang hard thing to admit. Sigh..

    1. hollowtreeventures says:

      Craziness Abounds  Agreed, Paige is delicious funny on a stick.

      1. PaigeKellerman says:

        I hear she rarely showers though… and once punched a llama in the face. But the internet’s always buzzing with questionable information. hollowtreeventures  

        1. Craziness Abounds says:

          PaigeKellerman She is an odd one but I always champion the underdog. Oh wait… Where you talking about me or you? Cuz if you were talking about me it WAS NOT   lama! It was a baboon and the dang thing wouldn’t pose. Kept grabbing my butt. Not my fault.

    2. PaigeKellerman says:

      Must you always be so kind to me? …:)   Craziness Abounds  

  12. Amanda says:

    I subscribe to several blogs. We (myself and 4 other ladies) started a new blog less than a month ago. Imperfectlybalanced.com. So, feel free to subscribe to that one because we could use the support, I think we are not quite at awesome, but the best will come. – Amanda

    1. Gwennie says:

      Banana Stickers  ~ Read her — funny as shit!  🙂

  13. MicheleLeAnn says:

    Eh, I’m a newb, so I wouldn’t blame you for not reading me.  But I’m working on it!  Eventually I’ll be that blog everyone is talking about, that you’re going to regret not reading from the beginning.  But it’s okay, don’t feel guilty.  I forgive you in advance.  And Idk, I kind of like reading other people’s blogs.  I think it’s cause I’m nosey.  

  14. Faiqa says:

    I have over 100 blogs in my reader and they’re all by people I know or like. I stopped really reading about eighteen months ago when I went “professional.” At BlogHer this year, I realized how off track I had become. I love fresh words and thoughts and in order to be creative, I need to experience what others are creating. That’s part of my process. You are now in that reader, and for that I’m grateful!The true spirit of networking, by the way, isn’t about what you can do for the person you met and vice versa. It’s about what your contacts can offer to the other person’s contacts. We grow the most as people when we rely on others and are reliable for others. This fosters community and integrity… achievement that occurs in a vacuum isn’t as noble as that which achieved in the public space by the public itself.  To make networking feel less selfish, this is how I approach it: “Who do I know that can help this person get what they want? Who do I know that this person can help?” See, that way, when you need someone’s help, someone else will be on the lookout for you. It’s a karma thing — I have a great success rate with this.Also — we have TWO men on staff at Aiming Low — JC Osborne was not in attendance at BlogHer this year!

    1. inthemomlight says:

      Faiqa  Wow… this has to be the most insightful thing I’ve read in a long time.  I agree – pay it forward.  Well said 🙂

    2. ModMomBeyondIndieDom says:

      Faiqa  I like that and it’s so true.  I spend a lot of time reading other blogs.  There’s so much great stuff out there!  

    3. ViolaFury says:

      Faiqa  I scheme about trying to help other people around here in Tampa and I’m not really established myself yet, but hey. Why can’t we do it together? There’s one very good writer who lives a block or so from me, and at least one other here in town. Since I’ve been blogging a sum total of 37 days, we all have a ways to go. But, the good fortune and the generosity I’ve experienced  already has inspired me to want to share with other people around me. We were a homeless bunch, and we’re clawing our way back up. It’s a great way to claw. Thanks, Faiqa for the reinforcement and another little piece of the puzzle, D.J. as always, I learn lots from you, too. Thanks, friend.

  15. Katjaneway says:

    No one ever comments on my blog! I went to a friend’s party yesterday who I follow on facebook, and she told me that her husband read my blog about my 10-year reunion and thought it was really good writing “it felt like he was there” she told me. But did he comment? Sadly, no. I’z a sad panda.  

    1. MicheleLeAnn says:

      Katjaneway    No one comments on me either.  Right now my blog is down, thanks to my host not paying her bill.  But she should have that remedied shortly.  Link me to your blog?

      1. Katjaneway says:

        MicheleLeAnn  http://katjaneway.blogspot.com/ I just completed a new post so here you go. My blog focuses on some cooking, and writing memories. I try to be funny, sometimes it turns out, sometimes it doesn’t 😛 Thanks! Link me your blog when it’s back up.

  16. Katjaneway says:

    I did buy TheBloggess’s book, though. So funny. Loved it.

  17. kaseykakes says:

    I have to say I feel a little honored that you read my blog and commented! And you did fine as a man at BlogHer – you wore a balloonicorn and were a good sport about it.

  18. TRfromRL says:

    Don’t read my blog.  You probly won’t relate because I write about my job mostly, and life.  I wish I could be more funny, but it just doesn’t fit sometimes.  I love reading stuff different from my material.  It’s inspiring and gets the creative juices flowing.

  19. Craziness Abounds says:

    It’s not being kind, just honest. You rock Paige. 🙂

  20. Kianwi says:

    I love reading blogs as much as I love writing my own.   There is so much creativity and variety out there, it is inspiring.   Some of my favorites?     http://www.youngmanbrown.com/        http://crackyouwhip.blogspot.com/      (both of whom are  on your advertisers list…so if you haven’t read them already, for shame! 😉   http://www.creativedevolution.com/   and     http://www.filing-jointly.com/    (only some of many awesome blogs…didn’t want to overwhelm you! 🙂

  21. Elizabeth Newlin says:

    I was at BlogHer! and I <3 Aiming Low. So you should probably read my blog because I’m just that awesome. Also I have The Bloggess’s book and I went to her book signing yesterday in Phoenix. And my father tried to start a ‘Knock, Knock, Mother F*cker’ chant (because he was there with me) before she came out to speak, except no one joined in. So I went into the bathroom to hide. And that’s the story that’s going on my blog tomorrow. So just kidding, you no longer need to read my blog. But good for you for getting into them!

  22. ModMomBeyondIndieDom says:

    Thanks for the shout out, my friend.  Yes, I am a shameless shamer.  It worked, didn’t it?  “Mod Mom:  Making other bloggers feel like a pile of balls since March, 2012!”  See? Isn’t your life a lot more enriched now that you’re reading other blogs?  Especially mine??  

  23. adambotsford says:

    I’d strongly encourage adding http://www.raptitude.com/  to your regular reads. He’s not a heavy blogger but his material is insightful and genuine.

  24. Lainey says:

    I have a bunch of blogs that I read.   Of all of those, however, I always seek out yours, http://www.Twinisms.com  – Bridget is hysterical and totally loveable all at the same time), http://www.girltomom.com (Heidi is ranchy and fun and a recovering alcoholic who will leave you inspired), and http://www.filing-jointly.com  (Lauren has a great way with words and reminds me of the female version of you!)   Of these three, I can see you relating mostly to Lauren but they are all worth your time!

  25. Kelly Fox says:

    You’ll read my blog and like it, as my Mom used to say about anything we didn’t want to do. You’ll do it and like it!There’s even one there about how to swear without pissing people off. A sure bet to cause rapture in your soul! ..ok maybe not the raptures, but maybe a chuckle, or a tittle perhaps. http://painfulspaghetti.blogspot.com

  26. MeganBroutian says:

    You must be talking about me, I am hilarious after a few drinks…. maybe not, but by then, who cares!

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      MeganBroutian  You have like 17 websites. I can never figure out which one to read!

  27. SrslyAmusing says:

    If you must know my coming here has been an attempt to do the very thing you’re talking about. I’ve mostly written about whatever came to mind … which didn’t involve going and reading other people’s blogs. Increasingly I think I need to do that though so … yours was the first one I went to. So far it’s the only one that has stuck.I’ll have to pore through the links below as well to find more.

  28. ToscaSac says:

    @NinaAmir @tfpHumorBlog Good blogs are hard to find. I have been reading TFP since at least Feb. http://t.co/zA7A9QQ9

    1. D.J. Paris says:

      @toscasac Thank you SO much for the kind words. I have added you to my reader. I feel like a dick for not reading sooner.

  29. Gwennie says:

    http://lightenupweber.blogspot.com/ — friggin’ hilarious.  Love  Banana Stickers   & love  http://www.tulipandthelma.com/ & love  http://nongirlfriend.wordpress.com/.  And of course you KNOW I adore YOU!  Thanks for finally reading my shit.  🙂

  30. MarieLoerzel says:

    Wow!    I’m just curious how you got so many readers without reading/commenting on other peoples blogs?  Because that seems to be the way things work.  And unfortunately, great writing alone does not a successful blog make.  (That may have been written in Laotian….I’m not sure.)   Got any tips for us statistically unsuccessful bloggers out there?  And I’m just gonna say I would be open to a harsh, harsh, extremely harsh critique of my work at http://www.rockthekasbahafrica.blogspot.com.  I’m a big girl.  I can take it.    

  31. The Famous Ashley Grant says:

    Hi! I found your blog via Michelle Shaeffer’s newsletter and after reading just a few posts I am a new fan. I shall read more of what you write. Keep up the awesomeness!

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