After a very long day, I am finally home. At work I only consumed 300 calories, which is because I typically don’t schedule lunch. This is incredible unhealthy, and I’m sure my metabolism is that of a borderline diabetic.
Then, I had a support group meeting, talking about my feelings for two hours, drank a Fanta (110 calories), and got home around 9pm.
I finally gourged on food, and found out my cat peed next to my bed (probably because I forgot to give her the daily dose of Prozac yesterday).
So, I’m exhausted and have nothing funny or interesting to say.
But I’m a committed person to my loyal readers. So here goes…
Today I did an entire interview with my dog on my lap in my office. That’s pretty goddamn weird. At work I wear a full business suit. You know, the tie and coat and matching pants, and one of those Brooks Brothers wrinkle-free shirts.
I didn’t just let the dogs sit in my lap sleeping. I stroked her all the while, and I scratch her hard. During that time, she fell asleep and she started snoring. It didn’t even occur to me this may be an inappropriate interview strategy. I’m sure I freaked out the guy wanting the job. Oh well…
And, oh yeah, the dog was wearing two sweaters at the time.
The above was no exaggeration. Good night, and I promise to do better tomorrow.