Anger Can Be A Real Hoot!

I looked like this guy except I have hair and less defined pectoral muscles.

I came home seething mad.

The whole bike ride from work I could feel something powerful. A slow warmth seemed to spread the faster I pedaled. I was listening to my regular music and podcasts and nothing obvious was instigating this sensation. Ironically, the harder I pushed myself on the bike path the more intense the warmth became. This surge of powerful energy kept rising. I didn’t think much about it, as I notice some version of this on most Fridays. I was forward thinking to the burrito I would purchase and the Doctor Who I was going to watch. These are exciting thoughts to me. But this time the energy was more intense than usual. READ MORE

My UK Radio Interview Is Live!

My new pal Jodie Orton from SirenFM  put the interview she did with me on YouTube.  You probably missed it live (as I did), so here’s your chance to check it out.  I found out that she did make a few edits to the segment, and I wanted to share with you the exact conversation we had when she told me.  Unlike her, I will display the conversation in full without censor.  Videos down below! READ MORE

Help Me Figure Out A Tagline!

I will remember this tagline about, um, taglines!

Now that I’m ranking really high on Google for terms like “best blog” and “funny blog”, my traffic is exploding.  I need to come up with a good tagline underneath the main title image of “ThoughtsFromParis.”