When we last left D.J. he had just fallen through a glass table at a makeshift summer party at Adam’s grandparents’ condo. Blood was flowing freely from his fanny (again with the alliteration?) and he was waiting for the dopey ambulance EMTs to find the home. They had pulled into the wrong complex.
Tag: DNA
Just for Clarification Purposes – BandBackTogether BlogAThon
Originally posted at StarvingWriterAtLarge
I’ll warn you right now. You may not like the tone of this post. You may think I”m talking down or being condescending. I promise you, that’s not it at all. I’m just wanting to help people understand what having a mental illness is about. I hope it helps, at least, to make me seem a little more human, a little less scary, and that you’ll be willing to give me a chance.
That said I just want you to know that I am not-