What Happened To Part II? And Part I For That Matter!

nobody loves me
I know it's a joke, but I can't imagine the recipient laughing.

Yesterday I posted part I of a story about an idea I had to go on dates with a few of my readers, as a goof.  The idea would be to fly out to where they live, spend the day, and chronicle every part of the date in this blog.  I pitched it to a few of my readers who thought it was hilarious and awesome.  Which, of course, it is.

However, I realized shortly after posting it, that it needed to be re-written, AND that it would be a much BETTER story after the event actually happens.

Bottom line – I can do better.  And you deserve better.  So, I pulled it.

So You’re Saying There’s No Part II Today?  I Call Shenanigans On You!

You’re going to have to sit on your collective thumbs for the next week.  I promise a full report with photos and probably some video.  I suspect it will become one of my most read stories of this year.

I also have a giveaway from a company that was nice enough to send me a smokeless vaporizer tobacco kit.  This thing is pretty awesome, and it allows you to puff away inside churches, movie theaters, or anywhere else the man tells you you can’t.  Or just smoke grass out of it.  I really don’t care.

If interested, comment below.  If no one comments, I’m going to donate it to charity.  Probably something that supports ending farts on elevators.  Seriously, stop.  You know who you are, Brad.

It’s nice to be a smoker for once, right readers?  All I know is that you always smell like crap.  Stay out of my car.

I did a search on Google for “funniest photo of all time.”  Here’s where I landed.  Get ready to jump out the window.

nobody loves me
I know it's a joke, but I can't imagine the recipient laughing.

4 thoughts on “What Happened To Part II? And Part I For That Matter!”

  1. changethetopic says:

    I just recently gave my vapourizer away to my stepdad who has cancer, because his lungs can’t take the smoke. I’ve got to say, it’s a beautiful thing. I’m not saying you should smoke weed, but you probably should. It’s healthy, and all of the cool kids are doing it.

  2. Mindy Xy says:

    Is it like a tiny humidifier you can put right in your mouth? That sounds kind of awesome.

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