Tub Texting Together

I got excited because my friend Karen texted me she was in the tub.

Well, yes, I guess I could have become excited because she’s not exactly unattractive. But that didn’t occur to me in the moment. I jumped up from my sofa and bolted directly into the guest bathroom. My master bath just has a boring walk in shower. It’s kind of fancy, but I needed to soak with a friend. READ MORE

That’s Cool Beans!

These are definitely cool beans.

Turns out my mom was wrong.

Sure, there are moments when my condo resembles a dishelved hobo riding the rails, but mostly it’s close to tidy. Note I said “tidy” and not “clean.” I never dust and rarely sweep. If I’m having someone over I run the Swiffer. It’s not really supposed to double as a vacuum, but, hey, close enough. READ MORE

Some Skag Spit Sunflower Seeds

Look she didn't want to get her green pants dirty. I can dig it.

I thought that when I took my writing vacation a ton of great ideas would hit me. My batteries would be recharged, so to speak.

Didn’t happen.

Looks like I’ll just continue to trudge along writing about my daily life. You seem to like that best anyway. The good news is that the book is essentially done. The first draft is complete and I need to figure out what Amazon needs to greenlight it. Probably some editing. I decided not to do the whole book in Comic Sans font, by the way. If you’re not familiar this is the most reviled of all the fonts. I still think it would have been funny. But, Times New Roman, you old classic bastard, won over my heart. Actually I think Word just defaults to that and I shrugged – good enough. READ MORE

Doody and Cotton Balls – Confessions – Bloggers are Weird Podcast

D.J. gives two confessions for the price of none! First up is something truly terrible he does on the phone and the second is the greatest fear of his life.

Via  iTunes Zune or Blackberry store (just search) Via Android device – download your favorite podcast app and add the feed -> http://bloggersareweird.com/feed Visit the  

official Bloggers are Weird website READ MORE

Will My Love Keep Me Warm While My Furnace is Out? (WORST TITLE EVER)

My furnace repair guy had some interesting techniques. Also, no eyebrows.

My furnace went kaput last Friday.

It turns out you’re supposed to clean the filters every few months or so. You’d think this would have dawned on me after eight years of owning a place. But I’m kind of a moron when it comes to that stuff. I’m good at sitting down on the ground, pulling up a laptop and writing. I don’t do much cleaning except to say that I try to reduce clutter. That is my version of cleaning – putting things away. As the dust piles, it piles on empty tables. I’m proud of this. It’s a sad badge of honor. READ MORE