Blogger superstar, author, and writing coach Stephanie Sprenger talks about how she went from blogging to getting published (now four books) in two years. She teaches a writing workshop for bloggers which you can learn about and sign up for here. She does it all, and she does it all well. Listen now!
These are posts that will go in the blog, under the slider
Why Every Blogger Should Podcast – Presentation – Recorded at BlogU
Two days ago a blogger emailed me and asked how to get more readers.
It was a stupid question, for sure.
I wrote the person back (I didn’t know them at all) and said, “I’m going to tell you, but you’re not going to like the answer.” Then I wrote the answer. It was one sentence long. I almost hit send but realized that I was kind of being a dick. This wasn’t intentional. I believe it’s okay to ask stupid questions – we all do from time to time. I added in five actionable ideas the blogger could do right that moment guaranteed to boost their following. Then I clicked send.
I Got Stupid on Stupid Ass Questions
The fine people at StupidAssQuestions asked me to respond to stupid ass questions. I think they wanted me to choose just one from the bunch they sent, but I answered everything. They were so taken with my wit that they featured me for a full week. I had a blast and am proud have been part of their silliness.
I Sort of Broke My Garbage Disposal But Not Really
You were all wrong about my garbage disposal.
I purchased a condo in 2005 because my folks were nice enough to lend me a down payment. At closing I was able to pick out all the cabinets, countertops, moldings, and appliances. I remember trying to figure out whether to upgrade to the nicer series of appliances. It was several thousand dollars more. But, when I did the math it only added a nickel to my monthly mortgage payment. Done.
My Rear End is Imperfect and Needs Medical Attention
I am getting a colonoscopy.
If I rated medical procedures based on hilarity, colonoscopies would make my top ten. Not as funny as calf implants for dudes or ladies getting liposuction on their toes, but close.
“So, what’s the deal with my b-hole, doctor?”
I Now Wear These Super Sexy Undershirts (That Cover Up My Grossness)
I have dry feet.
Well, not feet so dry that the skin cracks and you need to dunk them in Noxema. My feet just don’t get sweaty. Like ever. Honest injun! Same with my pits. They don’t sweat. To prove this I didn’t wear deodarant for an entire year. I told only two people – my (now) ex-wife and the one person I managed at a previous job. I got them together for a drink at a local pub – this way I only had to explain once.
I Did Yoga for the First Time and Holy Shit That Shit is Hard
I saw the greatest bumper sticker of all time when I was 18.
Driving to my busboy job in the summer of 1994 I had a Beatles album on full blast. I had recently discovered the genius of the Beatles and (like most people with music sensibility) determined them to be the BEST BAND IN HISTORY. I still feel that way. When I pulled up to a red light behind a pick-up truck, I saw IT. Then I never saw IT again. Until this morning.
How I Get Myself to the Gym After a Lifetime of Never Getting Myself to the Gym
A few months ago I hired a personal trainer.
After not consistently exercising for twenty years I decided it was time to raise the white flag. Wait, raising a flag sounds like physical exercise and I just explained that I… Anyway, you get the idea.
Bloggers are Weird Podcast – Aussa Lorens – Hacker Ninja Hooker Spy
Award-winning blogger Aussa Lorens talks about her crazy family (which puts your crazy family to shame), her crazy exes (way crazier than your exes), and how thankful she is that her co-workers don’t realize she writes a blog.
How to listen to Bloggers are Weird: