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My List – BandBackTogether BlogAThon

Originally posted at APartyForOne

I love reading other people’s planners, lists, and schedules.  One of the highlights of my month is reading the “My List” column in  Harper’s Bazaar.  It is simply a list of things a certain designer does in his /her day.  I gobble it up.  Not just because I feel I’ve gotten to know the likes of Tom Ford and Diane von Furstenberg, but also because I get ideas on how I’d like to spend my time.

Because of my illness,  I could never keep the hectic schedules of these successful artists.  But I do have a schedule, which reminds me I HAVE A LIFE…a good life.  So, here it is, my day, a la, Bazaar Magazine…24 hours with tea expert and struggling-to stay-healthy-and positive blogger…Cj….!

I wake up  between 9 and 11 a.m.  I have trouble sleeping, and since I don’t have to be up at a certain time, I let my body unfold naturally and slowly.  On bad days, I lie in bed and check my email and Pinterest on my Android.  On good days, I put on some comfortable workout gear, drag my Pilates mat in to the living room, say hello to the cats and make some tea.
Before I can exercise, I must get a bit of something in my stomach.  Usually, that’s a piece of grilled sourdough bread and  a pot of green tea  brewed Gongfu style, (pronounced Kung Fu, like the TV show!)  I put my tea and toast on a tray and bring it all over to the mat.  I take my breakfast cross legged on the mat, and when finished, I do some reading to increase my knowledge about tea.  Right now it’s the huge “The Story of Tea” by Mary Lou and Robert Heiss.”

After my stomach has settled a bit, I do a 30 minute Pilates mat routine.  I hate to exercise, but I love how these moves wake my body up.  On good days, I’m done with all this by noon.

Then I go change into jeans, usually, and a button down or knit shirt.  My colors are military ones; denim, navy, khaki, grey, olive drab, and camel.  For additional color I’ll use a scarf or my bright purple Doc. Marten loafers. I MUST wear jewelry.  Usually a tiny pearl in a golden cage necklace that belonged to my grandmother and gold hoops.  Rose perfume, lip liner, sunscreen and mascara finishes the everyday look and makes me feel “dressed.”

The work of the typical day involves cooking for my husband and I, tasting and reviewing two or three teas, planning, (I LOVE TO PLAN…it gives me hope for the future…important for someone who is prone to depression,) and housework like laundry and de-cluttering.

At about 2 p.m. every day, my fat, white and grey cat, Ben,  demands to be brushed, so I take 10 or so minutes to spend time  with him.  The thinner, black one-Moses, is out galavanting at that time, so this is my time with Ben!

After 2, I start to get anxious, which is my cue to eat some protein.  I know I should eat BEFORE I get anxious.  I’m working on that.  So I lunch between 2 and 3.  Afterward, I go back to planning, or reading, or writing.  On running days, (an average of 2 times a week) I’ll spend half an hour putting together the perfect play list.  I have to have variety.  Yesterday I bought two Partridge Family songs and “You Better you Bet” by the Who.  Nostalgia and a good beat are good for my brain.

My husband gets home around 6, and he is wonderful about NOT demanding dinner at the same time every night.  Some of our favorite meals are bread and cheese and cured meats and fruit.  I like to have some sort of vegetable or salad prepared.  One can never get too many vegetables, and we often don’t eat enough.

After dinner there’s usually tea, dark chocolate, and more reading or Netflix.  The Last Emperor is top of my playlist.  All this tea has me craving more information about China!  I hope to visit next year.

My bed time is still undefined.  I try to go to bed earlier so my wake-up times will naturally become closer to my husband’s 6 ish alarm.  Yet every time I try, I seem to get anxious and insomniac and I completely defeat the purpose.  For now, I’ll stick with what I have.

I shower at night since showers relax me.  As someone who struggles with sleep, I don’t particularly like bedtime, so I’m working to make it as fun as possible.  I am currently shopping for pretty pajamas that are comfortable enough for me to actually wear.  

Brushed-back satin is the ticket, but harder to find than silky negligees, which are lovely, but feel sticky.

I listen to  audio books about cosmology or philosophy  to fall asleep!  These topic are interesting enough to keep my limbic-brain busy, but removed enough from my life to keep my from being stimulated.  I couldn’t listen to tea books, for instance.  I would stay up all night taking notes or making tea!

No matter what time I got to bed, I usually get to sleep around midnight or one, though I avoid looking at the clock.  Before I know it, the cats are meowing and it’s 10:30 a.m.  Time for tea!    Yay!

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