I Did 198 Takes Last Night for My Video Blog – A Confession

The beginning and the end.

I told my girlfriend a lie last night.

To be fair, this was unintentional. Had I known the actual truth (as I do now) I may have very well snapped the remaining thread of sanity holding me upright or thrown myself from a balcony screaming.

On my way home from work yesterday I put together some thoughts for a video blog. I wrote down eleven points I wanted to discuss including an upcoming trip, a holiday card I’m sending to readers, and a story about not picking up my dog’s poop (which I still don’t do even though I promised you I would). READ MORE

My List – BandBackTogether BlogAThon

Originally posted at APartyForOne

I love reading other people’s planners, lists, and schedules.  One of the highlights of my month is reading the “My List” column in  Harper’s Bazaar.  It is simply a list of things a certain designer does in his /her day.  I gobble it up.  Not just because I feel I’ve gotten to know the likes of Tom Ford and Diane von Furstenberg, but also because I get ideas on how I’d like to spend my time. READ MORE