Guess Who Took A Bath?

D.J. did!

D.J.’s dog did!

I have previously spoke of my love for baths.  Actually I hadn’t taken one in a month until tonight.  I realized my dog had not been cleaned in over three months.  Now, before you get grossed out, please realize that my dog spends a total of 10 minutes a day outside.  She’s 7lbs and I have to carry her when there’s ice, snow, or rain, because she won’t go near it.  Chihuahuas are notorious for hating water.  Makes sense, as they are most likely originated as a desert dog from central Mexico.

She screams like you wouldn’t believe at bath-time.  Plus, she never stinks, so I only clean her like four times a year.

Because it’s so incredibly difficult to do over a sink, I just simply climb in with her.  Sounds weird?  Well, you know what?  You sound weird!

Anyway, I had to take a few snaps, because I love to humiliate myself online.

Bathtime D.J. and Ms. Meepers
Do I have some sort of pale white guy farmer tan? Gross.

Once the job was completed, it was time to celebrate.

dessert and bathtime
I dropped the fork in the tub. Twice. Still used it.

9 thoughts on “Guess Who Took A Bath?”

  1. wilyguy says:

    There are some things you can’t unsee…. I am blind in my mynd’s eye and may need a fork to self-lobotomize… preferably not the one twice dunked in the tub…

  2. WPCandi says:

    I’m gonna say the fork was clean.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

       @WPCandi  Clean with dirty dog grime and hair.  And, oh yeah, all my filthiness.  So, yes.  You’re right.

  3. Tara Wright says:

    You’re like my perfect man.  You EAT IN THE BATH TUB which everyone thinks is gross, but it’s awesome.  I feed my kids their breakfast in the bath.  I eat ice cream in the bath.  The only thing you can do in the shower?  Drink coffee.  Which I do also.  MULTITASKER FOR THE WIN.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

       @Tara Wright  I have written about the fact that I used to consume peel-and-eat shrimp in the bathroom and then throw the shells in the toilet and flush as a possible reason why my wife ended up divorcing me.  It’s under the most popular stories on the right.  I don’t drink coffee, but I do use shower gloves.  And they’re bright green.

  4. Karibdavis13 says:

    You better have shared that dessert with the dog. Only fair. I’d share with my cat, but I prefer my bathing experience to be fancy feast free.

    1. D.J. Paris says:

       @Karibdavis13  I really don’t appreciate you finding photos of me nude.  It’s not ladylike, and I don’t like it.  I don’t like it one bit!

  5. D.J. Paris says:

    There are some things you can’t unsee…. I am blind in my mynd’s eye and may need a fork to self-lobotomize… preferably not the one twice dunked in the tub…

  6. Eva Laflamme says:

    That is a pure shame spiral look on your dog’s face – I AM very impressed that he stayed in the tub with you though – did he get any ice cream?

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