Cat Peeing – SOLVED

pantaloons in the snow
Why wouldn't I want to go outside when it's 12 degrees out?

I’ve previously discussed how my cat Pantaloons has an unfortunate habit of urinating outside her litter box.

More specifically she urinates on the rug just to the right of my bed.   This is where, when I spring out of bed in the morning (and yes, I spring), I step.   Now, thankfully she hasn’t ever done it in the middle of the night because I get up at least twice like an old man.

The worst part of getting up this often to pee is when I mention it to a doctor, they freak out an administer a prostate test.   I’ve had four of these in the past six years.   I’m thirty five and never had a serious health issue.   Once they’re done they always go, “Your prostate’s great!   Maybe you have a small bladder!”

Anyway, back to Pantaloons.   She’s very sweet.   The type of cat that purrs when you just look at her.   She also does weird things like walk into the shower with me, tongue-bathe the dog each night, and hops  around in the snow (she’s an indoor cat).

pantaloons in the snow
Why wouldn't she want to go outside when it's 12 degrees out?

But, for some reason she gets confused and pees outside her box.   A few times she’s even peed right on the bed.   Not cool!

I’ve tried many different approaches but the only thing that works consistently is a half-tab of fluoxetine, more commonly known as Prozac.   Vets aren’t quite sure how or why it works on felines, but it seems to do the trick for her.

The problem is administering the dose.   Cats are dumber than dogs in nearly all respects, but they are geniuses at not taking pills.   I’ve tried hiding the pill in wet food, butter, deli cheese slices, soft white cheeses, that cheese spray crap, and even pieces of  turkey.   It’s amazing to watch her bring the food into her mouth, eat the food, and then spit out the pill.

After talking to my ex-wife (vet) and my current vet, I was plumb out of ideas.

Notice how nobody says plum anymore?  That plumb sucks eggs!   (two foods, one expression!   Genius!)

I used to give her the liquid Prozac, but then she started hiding from me because she hates it.   Same with manual pill forcing.   She hates that even more.

I finally figured it out, though!   I was so excited I immediately penned an email to my vet (we’re not buddies) and called the ex.

Here’s the trick.

  1. Pick up the soft treat version of Whisker Lickin’s at the local grocer.
  2. Go home.
  3. Find the pill you’re supposed to force down the cat.
  4. Find the cat.
  5. Pull out one Whisker Lickin’s.
  6. Take pill and put it in the treat.
  7. Grab a second Whisker Lickin’s and mash the two until you form a little ball.
  8. Give ball of medicine-treat to cat.
  9. Grab a Heineken, because you did good.
whisker lickin's
Super unhealthy, but who cares? Not me.

4 thoughts on “Cat Peeing – SOLVED”

  1. Pish Posh says:

    My favorite part is the Heineken. I grind pills and put it in a dab of wet food. That’s crazy that Prozac works.

    She’s so cute.

    Also your prayers haven’t worked yet I feel fine.

  2. BellyBillboard says:

    Peeing outside the box? That’s the new fetish for “go-getter” executives these days isn’t it? They think outside the box. They work outside the box. They don’t conform to boxes.

    It’s entirely possible your cat has “Bright Lights, Big City” DNA inside.

  3. Rob N says:

    We might have to talk to our vet about this pet Prozac, one of our cats has been doing the same thing the last few months. Only his thing is piles of clothes, which are abundant in our bedroom. Thanks for the tips.

  4. Michelle @ Healthy Recipe Ecstasy says:

    I had a similar problem – cat peeing on bed. Also cat who walks into the shower and likes to play in the snow in freezing cold temps… maybe they’re related? Problem was solved when I put a litter box upstairs so my lazy kitty didn’t have to walk downstairs to pee. Hope the Prozac worked! Might have to try that too because kitty is also anxious and has a weird obsession with the faucet… :)#catpeopleproblems

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