Sadness is Flowing Through Me and I’m Totally Cool With It

...then she sent this immediately after. Good one, skank.

I was introduced to the idea of “mindfulness” around four years ago by my therapist.

Now it’s all the rage and there are books on how to be mindful in business, weight loss, parenting, and even extreme kiteboarding.

Basically it boils down to just paying goddamn attention to what’s going on inside. READ MORE

Someone Flipped Me The Bird!

I can only hope to run into this delightful human being again.

Had an amazing experience on the subway yesterday.

Well, in Chicago we don’t call it the subway. It’s the “el” which is short for “elevated train” because it does, in fact, go above ground. The trains also go below ground, too. I’m sticking with “subway,”  although this incident technically happened at an elevated structure. READ MORE

I Am Lucky and Ashamed

When I left my home it was -1 degrees.

There’s nothing I own that is appropriate for negative temperatures. If I dug deep into my closet I could find a pair of long underwear. But then what? Put them on under my suit pants? I’d get to work where the temperature is a 72. Then I’d be hot for the day. READ MORE

Swimming in the Soup – BandBackTogether BlogAThon

Originally posted at Oculus Mundi

I spent about 6 or 7 weeks of my life, just recently, mired so deep in melancholia it was difficult to even get out of bed in the morning.  Such a cliché, but in this case it was the literal truth.   I shied away from consciousness and all it brought with it.   In the deepest parts of the trough, it was not possible to even think of troubling myself to write about it, the necessary cohesion, energy, clarity, coherency was just not available.   I was barely able to manage text messages to assuage the concerns of friends.   READ MORE

I Broke My Phone! (but kept my ID)

Michelle hasn't sent over the photos of us at dinner, so you just get me at dinner for now. Lucky you.

One of my best friends, Michelle, called me late afternoon.

Hey, I’m flying to the Chicago. I’m in the air – doing a commercial for WalMart. Let’s hang out!

I was thrilled. I hadn’t seen her in over a year yet we talk every week. During my divorce and other hard times, she’s been there. And I was introduced to her through my blog. She was a reader and now we’re very close. Had I not started this blog I wouldn’t have met her. READ MORE

I’m Rebellious Like…

I was going to make a joke about how I'm the second one from the left, but that would be untoward. But I'm not the first one. Just ask around.

I’ve never been much of a rebel.

Never shoplifted as a teenager. Didn’t get drunk and vomit all over my parents while they were sleeping. Wasn’t courageous enough to light up a square in the high school bathroom.

Ooh, just remembered. Once as a freshman nature during my civics class. I was having stomach problems and needed to do very bad things. Excused to the bathroom I commenced to do what I do when I do how I do. Also, I’d like to mention that the sick screwballs at my private, Catholic high school didn’t bother to put doors on the stalls. There’s no way that would be allowed today what will all that religion’s shenanigans. READ MORE

Okay, I Now Fully Understand Parenting

I'd like to get one without freckles please. Freckles is nasty, yo.

I finally completely understand (two adverbs in a row! A new low, even for me.) what it’s like to be a parent.

This is an accurate statement as today I spent time with two children for approximately ninety minutes.

My friend Justin and his wife have a girl and a boy ages three and a half and one and half. I have been out to see them five times in the last year. READ MORE

The Girl I See Every Day on the Train

Mine looks exactly like this. I got it free during a charity dog walk I did or some shit.

This happens every year.

I ride the subway to and from work during the winter months. Lately I’ve noticed that I’m one of the older people. It’s mostly kids in their twenties. At thirty-six I don’t feel too old to take the train. In NYC you have people in walkers dropping dead on the D line. But here in Chicago the “L” (short for “elevated train”) is a young man’s game. Even the pretty women look too young. They’re twenty-five but look like children. I’m getting older. READ MORE

Alligators Are Not Suitable Babysitters (I'm Pretty Sure)

But the references checked out...

I had a dream a few nights ago where I was in charge of looking after a baby’s well-being. I don’t have any children currently, and have only physically held a baby a few times in my life. They’re nice and all, but, you know. They smell and stuff. Anyway, in this dream somebody gave me a baby to look after.   So, then I was tasked with finding a sitter, so my wife and I could enjoy an evening out. READ MORE