It Sucks To Be a Blogger While Dating

Not the picture I use in my online dating profile.

I’m about ready to go on a first date.

Drinks at a bar in downtown Chicago. This is a woman I’ve talked with once over the phone. We met on an online dating website. I have absolutely no idea how it’s going to pan out. She may be the woman of my dreams – or a dud. Or I may be a dud in her mind while I fall madly in love. READ MORE

Proud to be a Man of BlogHer

As I drove home from night two of BlogHer I started to cry.

I was lucky this year. BlogHer, the largest blogging conference in the country, was hosted in my hometown of Chicago. This meant easy travel from my condo to the conference. Actually, it was kind of a hassle. Sure I saved some dough by not having to spring for a hotel, but I was traveling back and forth at least once a day. Each time I parked it was $36. I had to go home to let the dog out. READ MORE

Let’s Leave The Condo On Sunday!

Look, I have an Asian friend! One!

I’m supposed to be at a Halloween party right now.

It’s being hosted by one of my favorite people, the lead singer of our band. There’s a few issues, however. One, he lives about sixty minutes away from where my place. Next, I don’t have a good costume. Third, I’m exhausted. READ MORE

That Isn’t Appropriate (But I Can’t Help Myself)

Not the real Laura Ingalls Wilder. Nor my friend.

The problem is that my mind is always on “joke-creation” mode.

It doesn’t matter if I’m about to fall asleep, riding my bike to work, or having lunch with my favorite nun: Jokes come in whether I want them or not. This is not a “I just can’t help how hilarious I am” kind of thing. Many, if not most, of my jokes would bomb, should I share them. When something funny comes into my head I have to make a snap decision on whether to express it aloud, delete it, or save for later. My willpower is not strong, and I can rarely hold onto a joke for the future. Like a junkie I don’t save my stash for later. READ MORE

Pre-NonCon Awesomeness

Cheers to the generous people at Ford for sponsoring the NonCon and hooking me up with a Ford Flex. Never seen so much technology in a car. This thing is amazing.

You don’t look like Ken!

These were among the first words spoken to me by TheAnimatedWoman, J.C. Little. For months the AimingLow staff has been referring to me as Ken (of Barbie’s harem), probably because I took the only hunky photo of me and plastered it everywhere online. Just Google one of my stories and you’ll see it next to the search result. In person I’m quite normal looking. I have virtually no muscle definition and my skin is ghostly pale. I’m not a monster, but nobody’s plucking me out of obscurity to dance with Thunder From Down Under. READ MORE

I’m Going To Do It But I’m Not Going To Do It

I can't fathom what this is about, but I feel that it probably falls into the "gigantic waste of time" bucket.

Yesterday I almost didn’t go to my support group meeting.

Now, this isn’t really a support group in the traditional sense. We’re not a bunch of divorcees (well, a few of us are) trying to get closure, or boozebags (well, some of us are) learning the steps to recovery. We don’t hold hands and there are no prayers. It’s actually called “The Experiment” and it is run by all of us to help process our shit that we carry. It’s very heavy, emotional and real. READ MORE

My Knee Is Not Unique Anymore!

Are these all the teeth horses have? I feel like I should know this as I was married to a vet and we owned one.

I have to say that in some ways I’m not like you.

For example you most likely haven’t talked about conditioning your private hair with your father. Or confessed that during phone conversations with loved ones  you do inappropriate personal activity. Also, you probably don’t ride a bike to work with a dog in a backpack. Your first, middle, and last names probably aren’t as unusual as mine (plus I’m a “third”) for a pale while boy with blonde hair. READ MORE