Now That Extreme Home Makeover is Canceled, I Never Cry Anymore

Yeah, I can't wait to have children and get to deal with this.

I almost never cry.

It’s not intentional. There are plenty of men who don’t cry. Guys think that tears might reduce their machismo to the level of an eleven year old girl finding out that their favorite singer in One Direction is a smack abuser. Hmm, maybe shouldn’t have made such a non-masculine reference. READ MORE

I Used to Be Number One on Google for “Funny Blogs”

I saw the bonus episode where he made the husband and wife an "adult love dungeon" as his secret project. It had the swing and everything.

Now I’m just #1 on Google for “dick stories.”

My blog certainly isn’t the most hilarious on the web (well, nobody tells a story about seeing my dad’s penis like me), but it’s decently funny. Sure I use too many adverbs, but, you know what? I goddamn well like adverbs. It’s me and since I don’t know how to write with better grammatical sense, I let it slide. A big-deal professor recently told me I write well. So there, inner critic D.J.! READ MORE